It is not exactly cheap... the enlightened tutor breaks the budget
Better make a Modern Human Tribal Weenie. With the new humans the decks are kicking ass, and also you can break combos, with will make it a tournament deck
banefire will be very troll
put 4 banefire to make it more troll
my oppinion? menmitte out, ornithopter out. A sideboard bigger than 15 cards is illegal. I use goblin fodder and krenko's command more to help the legion loyalist to be useful. For god's sake, goblin wardriver all of them in, goblins kill by haste, numbers, burn and +X +0. 60 cards and 18 lands is what I use. There is another goblin that gives haste to all other red cards. Look for it
there's a land for elf in lorwyn. look for it
anyway, see my decks also to see how i manage a 18 land deck
turn 1 merfolk - cursecatcher and merfolk looter
too much cost 2, more cost 1