
3 Decks, 22 Comments, 0 Reputation

I would side board some of the Naturalizes

Posted 05 August 2009 at 12:55 as a comment on Fast burst dmg


I would definetely add "consult the necrosages" to this deck. Since it can be used both for card drawing and discarding.

Posted 04 August 2009 at 15:22 as a comment on Discard and Mill


What about seimic assault? You get more burn and you get cards i your graveyard for the grinder and the lavamancer.

Posted 04 August 2009 at 15:04 as a comment on The Ultimate BURN


I dont think your allowed to have 6 "seat of the synod".

Posted 04 August 2009 at 14:59 as a comment on artifact


Yes I actually thought about the crucible and will probably get it eventually. I used the groundskeeper since i own it (and the rest of the cards). Im also thinking about predators strike since trample really could be useful with the hydra but maybe thats an overkill..

Posted 03 August 2009 at 23:01 as a comment on Land and creature synergy


yeah the sanctum would be absolutely wonderful but im going to turn this in to Extended format once i'm finishid with it, but theres no reason for me not to try your suggestion either. There can be two versions of the deck.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 23:49 as a comment on The Disenchanted Evening


This is classic green (or one of the two classic green decks), fast and uncompromising. If your going with slightly older cards the pouncing jaguar and the wild dogs might suit this one or the emperor crocodile for that matter.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 23:45 as a comment on carnage dreadnought


A treefolk deck! That is just fantastic, the thought of a treefolk deck some ten years ago was absurd but today it is realized and it is a pretty good one as well. The unstoppable ash is a really funny creature with great artwork. You rarely see a deck with 25 basic lands these days but when you do its something special.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 23:31 as a comment on lord of fangorn


its a great fun deck though and ultimately well constructed. Although speed is for me always an issue and there are 8 "comes into play tapped" lands as well as illegal cards.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 22:29 as a comment on dragonstorm


well since "mana vault" is at its best restricted (vintage) and the "lotus petal" is also restricted. The same goes for the "DT". The speed in the deck is then basically illegal but i am quite sure you knew that already.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 22:25 as a comment on dragonstorm


fe right now. Being away from magic for a while can be good because of all the new cards you get to drool over when you get back.

Posted 09 June 2009 at 17:05 as a comment on Stuff it!


Guttural response is a very wise sideboarding with blue and white being this decks bane. The speed of the deck looks good with varies mana costs but no really high ones. If you are at all considering creatures the mogg fanatic is fantastic, you could use it as a blocker och sack it in response to opponents effects or in response to your own effects. It is a first round play.
Nice work, as always, cant wait til you get here som we can play-test all the bizarre decks that are comig to li

Posted 09 June 2009 at 17:04 as a comment on Stuff it!


I like the deck you've made. "scour" I had of course planned to bring along since you actually can destroy all lands in your opponents library as well. Otherwise the green with the creatures offer a different protection from my blue bounce and counters which I added beacause of the slowness in "enchanted evening". But imagine what you could do with "show and tell" you could have "enchanted evening" in play in the second round!
Otherwise I think you should lose the "comes into play tapped" lands because they greatly slow you down, with speed this deck is indestructible.

Check mine out when im finished with it, it needs a lot of balance testing (between counters, speed and disenchants).

Posted 09 June 2009 at 15:19 as a comment on behind the door


I understand the thoughts behind the deck and agree for most parts but the basic lockdown is a bit enthusiastic, three colors and very expensive cards. But still against some decks this could be great. The canonist can be killed quite easily but that could be helped with a counterspell with a drawback that requires the caster to pay 1 colorless or something like that. You say all basises are covered; then how do you deal with a "shock" in turn one, two or three when your all tapped out?

Posted 08 June 2009 at 22:55 as a comment on How Did You Get That Ute?-COMMENT PLZ


I think its intersting but also very expensive which is a current trend right now. How ever i think i'll playtest it at home some day. Usually my creature decks have a 4th or 5th round kill if theres no opponent and of course saometimes with.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 22:21 as a comment on Grixis Domination (revised)


I would also use mind funeral but i would not use nemesis of reason and neither would i use szadek. Instead i would try to speed up the deck with lower cost cards and also drop the discarding. I usually dont use more than 4creatures total in my milling decks.

But you could also instead make a black blue discarding festival. You draw cards opponent discards, which opens for a bit more control.

Either way the deck would gain in consistency.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 22:16 as a comment on First Deck


Hi there,
I would sideboard the hissing miasma as it is only really good against faster deck with multiple cheap creatures. Second I would add 2 more deathbringer liege which can get really good with cheap creatures for 1 or 2 mana even if they are not multicolored.
Since you have several effects regarding the graveyard like the mortivore I would lose the necromancer's mage mark since it completly disrrupts that effect.
Nettlevine i think is to slow for this deck to work.

The deck could get really interesting so keep working on it and pm me if you want some comments.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 22:03 as a comment on What will hopefully be my BW deck


I think a deck based around lord of extinction should be 2-colored. Green is excellent in milling itself and black is excellent in playing from graveyard. If you want to you could introduce blue and just add traumatize and get a 25/25 creature for 5 mana.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 21:25 as a comment on Hold on for the Kill


A general tip is to try to have more of the same cards which gives the deck consistency.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 21:16 as a comment on Hydro's Light


I would use more direct damage from spells and less expensive creatures, perhaps even some cheap landfry like the one that causes the opponent to sacfice as many lands as you do and with only cheap frying spells you wouldnt suffer from the landloss. If you do you could loose the creature boosts and really exploit the stuffy doll. "Guerilla tactics", "shock", "lightning bolt", "parch" and so on.

Good job and great initiative, red monocoloured decks are way to rare these days.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 21:14 as a comment on Voodidoo


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