Yes i do see more of those token decks out there. I will add some board wipe to the sideboard later.
I agree that it is a good idea to have something against removal, though im not sure on what or what to take out.
Looks solid. love the sanctum combo. I would maybe lose the Kithkin Zealot as it seems too random
Thanks for the feedback :) I personally like the chalice, it has some uses when you cant drop the enchantpents in time. i agree on Mourning Thrull, i liked it cause of its mana cost, but with these 2color lands i guess i shouldnt be too worried. i removes him and addes sature and warden. i really dislike Test of Endurance and Felidorn Sovereign, it doesnt look like a way i'd want to win a battle. feels like cheating :p
yeah i know, but i was trying to keep it a bit low budget, those are all very expensive cards
They are in there
i Agree that 60 cards would be better, but in my own dredge deck i burn through my library quite fast. so i was thinking 70 should be ok for dredge
Actually now that i think about it the sapprolings wont count for the gutter grime, in that case i better take them all out
I need the sapprollings for the plaguemaw beast/gutter grime
Replacing the griffin with the mantle is a great idea, done. but archangel is very expensive, thats why i wasn't running it :p
Replaced Sunstriker with Chil of night
I replaced warclamp with Ajani's Sunstriker, good idea thx for the advice
Removed 2 land and added some more removal
Does that apply to the backside of transform creatures aswel? i mean isnt the card originally an artifact ?
I dont really know which card you are referring to, can you link it maybe?
Yeah i was thinking about adding more removaln though i would also like to get out the big demon asap. ans also keep it as budget as possible
Defenitly looks like a fun deck! i am running a mono black zombie myself at the moment. not sure if i should add some blue in here. what do you think?