Thank you for the suggestion. This is a recreation of the first deck I ever designed and buy. There are many things that would make the deck better but I put it here only to remember what I started with. :)
The Whispersilk Cloak is used to help protect Hand of the Praetors and to make any infect unblockable while Dolmen Gate allows me to all out attack without worrying about the opponent killing off my creatures with tokens or protect or whatever else (I tend to play a lot of token and protection and destroy target decks lately), but its definitely possible there's something better there. The card draw sounds good though. Did you have any thing specific in mind?
This is a neat deck. I like the unique concept.
I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.I like your deck, so I hit it up with a like.
You may want to consider putting Galvanoth.
I plan to change the deck as I have recently been informed that manlands do NOT trigger "enter the battlefield" effects.
Thanks, I will.
You have too many cards in this deck for it to have a predictable play pattern. That is to say your decks theme is weakened by the number and vary of cards you have in the deck. As far as I can tell, the decks theme goes off on turn 5 with the right cards. I recommend reducing the number of cards to get closer to 60 and adding some excelerators/mana production.I like the theme of the deck a lot though. Keep up the deck making.
You like that, take a look at "Stuffy Doll" and "Guilty Conscience". Infinite damage combo with 2 cards. The unblockable deck has a third turn infinite damage combo.
Lol, I think that's a perfect name for it.
that's right. we were before wives so they don't get a say on the cards we share. My wife tried the same thing and I pulled a Gandalf, "You shall not pass!"
I took no offence to your comment. I only meant to say that your recommendations would change the style I tended for this deck, therefore worked better in another deck with a different style. I greatly appreciate your comments and hope you continue to share them with me.After concerning what you said, I decided to exchange "Fiery Conclusion" with "Reckless Abandon" because I believe the premise of your suggestion was spot on for improving the deck's effectiveness.I have added you as a friend and I hope you will consider doing the same.
Your deck is very nice. I think it could combo better with something like "Reckless Abandon" to go with your "Brimstone Volley". You can make room for it by possibly removing "Fireball" and "Spitting Earth" as these are late game cards and there is not late game with burn.I see you have an answer for combat but in a burn deck card draw is often a issue. What is your plan for card draw or have you found it to not be a problem for you? "Browbeat" is a great card for burn decks for this reason.I really like the "Vexing Devil", "Thunderous Wrath", and the "Brimstone Volley" as I haven't seen those cards, except for the "Vexing Devil" which I had forgotten about.Either way, I like your style. Keep decking my friend.
yea, the dual lands are up to about $60 per card
take a look at the "it's my turn...again" deck
that's awesome. this deck is very fun and funny. just imagine their face when you take all their creatures and lands in one shot. LOL so very nice.
yea, you like that. LOL
and you're right
good suggestion I'll test it out
Thanks for the comment. I plan to take a look at your's in a little well and I'll leave some thoughts as well. I have another more balanced burn deck that I'll post later.
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