He's dealing the last point of damage using death cultist/taste of blood
Putting green in defeats the colorless goal. But I originally had it built alot like your deck
It usually takes only 3 or 4 turns to get 7 mana
i love it too. its kinda slow, but it makes all my friends cry.
Would you consider putting more master biomancer's in. Because there abilities will bounce off each other.
gaea's herald is sposed to be in, i cant figgure out how to edit it
ezuri, i didnt even think of that. it will definatly be added. elvish champion is another one of them cards im having troubles getting a hold of, i will be adding when i can. thanks for the advice manollette on all the decks its helping.
i used to have elvish promenade in the deck, its good but im trying to lean away from it being a token deck
i need to revise this deck since return to ravnica block has alot of really good stuff that would help this deck out.
i thing its pretty good, looks like it might be a little faster than mine. thing is i play alot of legacy tournament so im restricted on some of the good stuff. plus i have a weird thing about tribal, i want my deck to stay strictly eldrazi.
sol ring and the mox's are banned. thats is if your playing tournament.
sol ring is banned, i thought of alor of the stuff your saying but ive got two of the main eldrazis to increase the drawing of them. i dont usually got eye of ugin out cause its to slow to be counting on. i want more all is dust but im having troubles getting a hold of them.
i dont play online
its only legal in legacy and casual play
it was one of them this that i just had to do, once its made and your having fun with it. you forget what you had to go through to build it
its a good deck, but i had to spend alot of money to make it, and alot of the cards are hard to come by.
How does that look for you
So your saying take out three goultrees and put in three lands
But that where I'm not sure what to do. Cuz giving goultree infect is an almost instant win. And lure would allow me to get several other creatures through the defences
Yea you got a good point. That would work for my elf token deck. But this deck doesn't consist of making a lot of elves.
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