Cool this could help me maybe try 2 add gutter grimes. Your weak creatures' deaths will make powerful slimed to boost up your evole creatures. Also you could add some more evolve cards.
Not bad, but i think you could do better. I would start by getting rid of skaab ruinator. It doesn't help any of your cards if you are down 3 creatures in your graveyard. Also, I've tried a playset of deranged assistants, and they didn't work. maybe put in 2 more Screeching skaabs and 2 armored skaabs. one more thing, you don't need that much land ramping. I would suggest taking out 2 Mulches and putting in 2 wreaths of geists. They are really helpful.
Thanks. I have thought of the sundials method. However, I wouldn't use it in this deck because it is just 2 random. I might later make a deck that resolves around Geist of St. Traft.
Also, the sideboard needs to be 15 cards if you do want to have one
Not bad, but you should put in 4 labratory maniacs for the merfolk looters and civilized scholars so if you mill all your deck and have it out on the battlefield, you win the game instead.
Maybe you should have Devil's Play in there. Also, why not have Vapor Snags? You still have 3 months before it goes out of standard. Other wise, not a bad deck
Thanks. Now that its standard, I'll put it in
Good Idea, however I would replace wolf bitten captives for Reckless Waif. Also I would remove wild hunger, Shock, Brinstone valley, and Incinerate for hunger of the howl pack, Alpha Brawl, and ulvewald mistics. Sorry for any miss spellings
i think you should make this much more tight. for example, maybe you should get more angers and plated geopedes in place of some of the different creatures.
I think you should get rid of the spells that only affect one creature like call to serve and righteous blow. maybe you should add some increasing devotions or gather the townsfolks
I like it, but you don't have any of the mythic rare zombies, which are very important in zombie decks.I would make the deck tighter by getting more Gravecrawlers, Grave Titans, and Black cats. I would get rid of the skeletons, phantasmal image, and any Skaabs because zombies usually aren't supposed to stay in graveyards for long. Much less exiled.
There are cards in this deck that are not standard. The good news is that there are standard cards that can take their place.
Very spendy. You do know if you play a planeswalker and then a second one with the same classification after planewalker-, both planeswalkers are sent to the graveyard. Basically, there can't be two of the same planeswalkers out at a time.
not tight enough. You have a 1 in 60 chance to get almost any one of these cards
I like it but get 4 Coat of Arms in that deck! Maybe remove the Ambush Commanders, Fog, and Nullmage Shepherd. I also like gleeful sabotage. 'Better than Naturalize. One More card I suggest is Ezuri, renegade leader. Makes that army of 1/1 elves into 4/4 elves with trample!
Like hipponox, I think you should focus your deck more. Get rid of the Priest of Titania cecause elvish archdruid is much better. Lich's mirror can be good, but if you use it, you'll have nothing to protect yourself next turn and you'll be behind for the rest of the game.
Great deck! I would consider getting 3 or 4 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist. A good combo I think would be great for your deck is Haunting Echos and Tramitize.