comment on my domain deck please. I need more suggestions.
I would suggest ditching the raiders and rakdos pit dragon, and throwing in some cheap dragons with flying already. Like dragon whelp is a good one, rathi dragon, that one that costs 4 from urza's saga (lightning dragon maybe). Ditch the black and white definately and try to focus more on red, so burn (lightning bolt etc.). Since you are playing magus of the moon and blood moon, it will render your duels and fetches useless. Prolly stick to cheap equipment like jitte rather then sword.
comment on my domain deck please : D
I would actually suggest dropping the artifact dragons, spellbook, and the sigil. Focus more on mana accel for your dragons. Since you have so many creatures, you shouldn't have to worry about bringing them back.
maybe I should use kodama's reach instead of harrow.... This deck looks fine. You don't need the coat of arms at all.
I have also been in a game against white weenie, where I was down to five and locked my opponent down to win the game nice and slowly.
Just so you guys know, I did beat alexcombs with this deck multiple times ; P.
it's themed. I want them all in there. I could make a good one, but there is no point lol.
So far, I think it looks like crap. I am gonna test it anyways of course. I don't think there is nearly enough control for it to work.
Alright to make lhurgoyf a good fun deck (most likely in multiplayer) you gotta have way more spells to make them tough. Ok I will design one here tonght and you can look at it and tell me your thoughts.
completely forgot they existed. Good call.
I did this off the top of my head but I believe I had jitte's somehow in there as well for life gain and what not....can't remember.
omg. I want to make the deck now since you guys are actually saying it looks good.
I have actually owned this deck before complete. It is legacy and is incredibly amazing. I have fully made faerie stompy, 45 land, and various other high end legacy decks (I hate landstill), and this one is by far my most favorite. I have beaten all type of decks with this beast, including type 1. If you have the money, a high end legacy deck can be a really fun thing to make.
the only money card in the deck is darksteel colossus. The rare gnomes just may be difficult to find but they are cheap. This is a cheap deck.
set up a time for when you wanna play then.
it uses control then you win. Not hard to understand. It will most likely be played in multiplayer since it was old extended or whatever, so it might not be great one on one. I will play you though. have to dl workstation.
I wasn't saying it in an angry tone. Just an unbelievable tone.
no I meant in your kithkin deck lol
can you deal with a colossus turn four attacking?
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