why is assault formation still in there
Also did you just take a wall deck delete all the walls fill the hole that you made with eldrazi and stuff and just forgot to take out assault formation?
I know right it should be renamed Eldrazi Ihavenothingtoramptobecauseidon'thavetitansand/ordon'thavethemoneytobuythemandnovaluecardsthataregoodexexceptghostfirebladeandwhatthehellisassualtformationdoingherebecauseIhavetomanytaplandandvirtuallynogreenmana(This comment is not meant to be mean)
Name is misleading there are no walls in this deck
Cause I managed to put rats into a deck not actual effort
Really why?
Probably although I like it now the way it is. But if I find a card to my liking I probably will replace an inefficient one with it's better
Could you take a look at my deck it's called tibalt's flashback it would be much appreciated
true thanks again for you input on my deck
Sure you can totally make a copy in fact one person made my deck with a zombie tribal spin on it you should check it out it's called flash back graveyard if your interested
No you actually don't in this deck I'm saying Honor of the pure is more relevant in this deck than angelic voices because it is so much better and you don't have ANY artifact creatures in this deck
You should replace the Angelic Voices with Honor of the Pure it's a 2 managives +1/+1 to white creatures. It is $1.55 and it doesn't give the +1/+1 to artifact creatures but you don't have any artifact creatures in there so it would seem like a good trade.
Well I never noticed thanks for pointing it out for me
Cool its a little less control more creature focused but still good all the same
Your deck is sort of like my deck only Modern instead of Vintage but I like anyways +1
Much expense Very Vintage wow
I know Tibalt is bad this is nothing new to me, but this deck is focused on making him a little bit better and as for the Cackling Counterpart I just thought that it would add a couple of creatures for blockers
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't realize it had that many problems but I did build it in like half an hour so I guess that's the price.
Warren instigator to me is a compliment card because of it's cost. If the deck is designed for other goblins to work off each other goblin then you should check out some other cards like Caterwauling Boggart to make your opponents rage every time they have to block a 1/1 token with 2 actual creatures and Goblin warchief to spend less mana on your goblins. If your willing I would put enchantments like Raid Bombardment and goblin assault for an extra rush factor. I should also mention your sideboard is amazing great cards to put into your deck if your against certain deck types.