excellent deck, but more efficient bombs than the sentinel. However, there might be a combo I don't see here.
I can be making zombies in multiple ways by turn four and the moan has flashback. I've yet to try the deck out though, so I'm gonna try this black heavy version and if it doesn't work in play testing I'll try more white heavy. Oh, how I wish they reprinted bad moon in innistrad or dark ascension. :[
needs the human sac demon.
i'd drop the baloth for the new ooze from Dark Ascension, its soooo good. plus indestructibility is noice.
undying evil is counterproductive, you cant give creatures undying when they already have it, it doesn't have them come into play with 2 counters on it, i'd drop black and add more burn or ramp, or some other sort of R/G removal.
needs mortar pod
needs increasing savagery.
i'd run negate over muddle the mixture, you can get instants and sorcery cards, plus p.walkers and enchantments. just sayin'.
howling mine in there twice, yo.
how viable to do you think garruk is in this deck? I am playing the same deck right now, but instead of garruk I have dissipate,(spell base is very similar although I dont run dissmember and a few more counters) its pretty good, but not too consistent. I'll have to see how it goes at fnm.
honeybadger doesnt give a fuck!
added mainboard mental misstep and splashed white for moorland haunt, also mained gut shot, although I still dont think it'll be in for long. It just seems that my play group, and all the people I play against where I play magic is that there is 99% chance there are going to play some sort of one drop, and if its a creature that is potentially gonna be threat, champion, delver, traveler, birds, elf, a gut shot is nice for it, other than the traveler, thats why I mained mental misstep, to just counter any of those creatures or pesky 1 drops all together, plus flashing them back with snappy is niceeee.
i could see it becoming useful turn 1-4 and they establish a small creature base on the ground while I only have 1-2 delver and possibly a mindshrieker in play, and maybe end game against a mirror match up, but i'd rather just play misstep and counter any sort of one drop threat.
yeah pretty much dude, splash black, dont play storm, put a lot more creatures in and you should be good.
needs counters, i'd suggest dropping the myr and automaton's add in wurmcoil/batterskull/blighsteel colossus and x4 mana leak at least.
I dont really think it would be all that necessary to run gut shot, I know everyone else is using it in their delver decks, but that doesn't mean I need to run it. How detrimental is gut shot in this deck?
this isn't a real deck.
Sounds good, next time I get a chance to play I'll try taking the sphinx's out, as for draw power, I guess I should try g probe? And I'll side dissipate, the exiling is nice, I'm just not a fan of a 3 cost counter, but if its going to make the deck better I'll try it.
no need to be sarcastic, just because a deck with blue in it doesn't mean its going to be bad w/o snapcaster, I don't run a single one in my blue deck and I went 4-1 the other night at FNM.
fuck colonnade. anything it can do, tar pit does better!
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