I recommend korlash, heir to blackblade instead of tyrannize or smallpox.
Nice deck. You could take a leaf out of B/R tokens' book and use rite of consumption to make those fallen angels even more lethal. On that note, more and more devastating sacrifice outlets could be used...nantuko husk...a card like attrition? Also, more land would be nice.
I recommend Faerie Conclave.
Interesting...though you may get hurt a tidbit before the 'vore shows up. The older Magnivore decks were based largely around land destruction, but you seem to have some focus on storm. Why not run some of the red mana accel like seething song or rite of flame to take advantage of empty the warrens and grapeshot?
Yea...these decks can be remarkably nasty in casual play, but it needs more land. Additionally...you may want to pull out 3 demonic tutors just for the aesthetic benefit of the deck being legal in any format...
The giant growths are a bit small-scale...something bigger would be a good idea for that slot. Stonewood Invocation perhaps?
It may seem a bit hackneyed, but you could also try the combo between Devoted Druid, and Quillspike as a projectile for the rite.
Agreed there. This deck is certainly capable of stopping a turn 4 kithkin kill. Regardless of how badly kithkin may win afterward, it is a definitely plausible for this deck to get out crumbling ashes, necroskitter, and blowfly infestation at the same time by the end of the game...assuming the necroskitter is added...
You could probably just swap the 3 plains with mountains, considering that the only spell that requires white mana is in the sideboard. Looks nasty though.
Wow...this is scary...though I agree with previous posters in saying that additional forcemages would probably be a good idea. However, I suggest dropping the dragonstorms because, while you certainly have the mana to play them, you probably will not have the resources to make them useful when you do.
Hmmm, I like the Vendilion Clique...
Just a thought, but Edge of the Divinity, though a bit limited in this deck, could work reasonably well. I have noticed in repeated games that a first turn Nip Gwyllion followed by a second turn Edge is a really powerful move. It's also added fuel for the liege. Perhaps replace Batwing Brume?
Also, what do you mean by the title? Blue is probably going to be your biggest problem with this deck lol.
Why only one Ghastlord? You could play 2 and take out a Wanderbrine Rootcutters. You'll still have enough rogues dealing damage for prowl.
Take out Raven's Run Dragoon, Wren's Run Packmaster, and the Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, at least one Rhys the Redeemed, Oracle of Nectars, Elvish Promenade, and both Rhys the Exiled. Try adding Wren's Run Vanquisher, and Primal Command. Also, 16 land is DEFINITELY not enough. As for math, add 6 land, 4 vanquishers, and 4 commands. Nice deck otherwise though.
Needs more land...despite the fact that it shouldn't exist...
Okay, you seem to have a pretty solid strategy here, but in most cases, a Wrath of God will screw you up way more than it will help. I recommend that you take out 2 Damnations, and replace them with 2 more Shriekmaws. On another note, 20 land is a bit low, particularly for a control deck that is counting on dropping 5-mana plus threats like the Liege, Divinity, Shriekmaw, and even Profane Command with any consistency. You may want to drop LfW, a Mimic, and an Apparition for 3 more land.