
9 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

Looking good. I would recommend adding a late game massive board sweep spell: Mass Calcify. That would pretty much leave everyone open to a solid beatdown by you.

Posted 18 December 2011 at 05:30 as a comment on Akroma EDH


I'm looking for suggestions for an alternate win condition, as currently it focuses on creature beatdown once a lock has been established. Any ideas?

Posted 08 December 2011 at 16:59 as a comment on +1 to Evil


Thinking of adding in at least one Reclaim which would allow me to set up a cascade from cards in my graveyard (such as top decking a colossal might)

Posted 24 October 2011 at 03:57 as a comment on Red with green rage


Newest update. I found it was better to focus on dropping multiple Tombstalkers then other smaller creatures as well as adding more creature control (Dark Withering).
Still would like ideas on a secondary win condition

+3 Tombstalkers
+3 Dark Withering
+2 Skull Clamp
+3 Darkslick Shores

-2 Island
-1 Call to the Netherworld
-1 Ideas Unbound
-1 Deprive
-1 Vengeful Pharaoh
-1 Kederekt Leviathan
-1 Big Game Hunter
-3 Gorgon Recluse

Posted 07 August 2011 at 17:05 as a comment on * The Mad Pharaoh *


Latest Update

-1 island
-2 swamp
-1 Tombstalker
-3 Viscera Dragger
-1 Deprive
-1 Demonic Tutor

+1 Kederekt Leviathan
+4 Ideas Unbound
+4 Drowned Catacomb

Runs much smoother now with the additional duel color lands. Ideas Unbound is crazy good for this deck, since you don't have to discard until the END of the turn. If I have 0 cards in my hand then no biggie - which means I can or discard my entire hand to zombie infestation and activate all the madness abilities. The Kederekt Leviathan is a key late game win condition, as I can discard it early on and use it via unearth ability - clears the board and then discard all the returned creatures from my hand to zombie infestation, generate a horde of zombies, and just recasting those creatures discarded through madness - leaving the opponent scrambling to get his forces back up before I run him over!

Posted 31 July 2011 at 07:14 as a comment on * The Mad Pharaoh *


If you don't mind it becoming a Legacy deck then the best wall combo for red is to add Glyph of Destruction + Fling. They attack you, you cast Glyph (or two) on your wall, destroy whatever creature it blocks, then Fling the wall into their face for 10+ damage. :D

Posted 13 February 2011 at 20:03 as a comment on The Wall


The only thing I would be worried about is getting the Cantivores back if they get destroyed. How about adding in a few Animate Dead? This way you can ressurect a Cantivore or if not needed, discard the Animate Dead to Zombie Infestation and it will help boost up any in play Cantivores since it's an enchantment.

Posted 28 November 2010 at 13:38 as a comment on Cantivore (looking for help)
