you are pointing out to other decks that utilize walls for other things then wallks, explain to me how any wall in this deck will win a game with the exception of shards with remedy out. yeah they dont.
Walls are cute, but they don't win games. Lingering souls gives you chump blockers that can attack and give you board state. Bitter blossom would also be food for thought. You need another win condition besides rememedy in case they stop it. Playing at a shop has the problem of people will sideboard to deal with the decks in that meta and with only 1 win condition your opponents can shut you off rather easy and with your creatures dieing to almost every removal in the format, you are relying a little too heavily on one card. Also I didn't say get rid of all the green, just most. Heroes reunion is good for both healing you and dealing 7 to the face with remedy but the other green spells are just kind of meh.
Wall of shards, its commutative upkeep is insane with tainted remedy. Devour flesh to deal with hexoroof creatures and gains them life. Lingering souls to deal with early game, 5 mana for 4 1/1 flyers is never bad for chump blockers. I would honestly lose most of the green to help with consistency. You could even lose all the legacy cards and make this a decent modern deck