here is a very cheap and simple red/white artifact deck. through it together right after i posted my previous comment.
its an interesting concept, but the same issue i see often when people build a deck with the majority being artifacts: mana color. even though most are colorless there are a few that benefit from certain colors... but if you have all five colors the odds of getting the required color is diminished. skyreach manta is cool if you manage to get the full effect of sunburst, but if you dont you just paid (5) for a... lets say 3/3 flier. there are so many more artifacts for a similar cost that blow that out of the water. and some that are cheaper and top it as well, Auriok Sunchaser deserves a mention seeing as you have some white metalcraft in there. why do you need those islands?... or the mountains... or the swamps? i know you are hoping the 'affinity for Xland' will help, but the odds of getting enough of that land type out to truly make a difference gets lower with each extra color of land you have. for example, dross golem versus razor golem. both have affinity, but you ACTUALLY have other spells that use Plains. not true for swamps. the Forests are very iffy cuz you have one card with an effect that requires that. so honestly i would drop all that extra land and go mono white artifacts. now im going to assume this deck is built out of cards you own? not a list full of wishes. keep an eye out for a dragon's claw to replace that iron star you have, touch more expensive but with the mana ramp you have shouldnt be a problem in the least. well imma leave it at that for now, go ahead and post a reply if your interested in hearing what more i have to say. dont want to seem long winded the first time around ;D
then i guess the useful situations just keep occuring for me, im not sure. the only time i truely have an issue is when i draw a harvest with no creatures. i dont normally drop a wave unless they will lose 4 or more life per creature. that adds up quickly. token decks LOATH that card. of course im justifying the use of a card in its ideal scenerio.... but as a black user, its what my standard board wipe will be for awhile so i like finding ways to use it and put my opponent between a rock and a hard place. well would you suggest a black sun then? any other tweaks or modifications coming to mind? i appriciate the input 100%
you should show these decks some love, they could be real monsters with some TLC.
hmmm i kinda disagree with alot of what was said about several of those cards. essense harvest can be a game ender with a 4/3 in play. killing wave is GREAT for making people squirm when they must chose between being put within beatdown range or holding their creatures, plus a majority of the time i am sitting on a slip. so they sack some little thing AND i remove what i want. plus they lose life for the creature i removed. it may just be my oppontents havent been high calibur, but i have consistantly beatin' any aggro deck i have faced. like i said, the only thing that has ever given my cause to pause and rethink would be blue control.
thats fine, it wasnt anything big just Game Day. i wanted that full pane Killing Wave, i got it. thats all i was worried about.
hmmm interesting, i like it. but to take advantage of the creatures dying, i would drop the skeletons and run two of the... plague zombie? when he dies destroy a land. so you pox and put them at 2 lands under. sadly he is a 5cmc but two should be plenty. just an idea. i love the revivals, great green splash for this! would be the one that was most successful. its exactly what i took to the tourney and placed second. i would change it up a bit in favor of more aggro things. but i kept some cards to reset my creatures undying abilities. i learned that i dealt enough damage, two uses of a single creature was more than enough. deathmantle could go in favor of glistening oil (which would also reset undying) and the closet was to high cost, so normally a wasted draw phase.
O.O wow all that control! i just skimmed both decks..... thats some pretty crazy stuff you got there... lot more money that i have to work with for sure! i have been on a standard kick lately, and HATE doing the whole named deck bit. i prefer running rogue. Hence the black decks im working on, most have placed me in the 4th-2nd range at tourneys. im thinking on making a sideboard of black control, mainly cuz i got stomped by a U/W control utilizing frost titan, frost breath, metamorphs, etc, etc. all my creatures where exactly what he wanted me to play. i couldnt attack with an aggro deck... just came across a lili of the veil and i am considering making a control sideboard. with pharohs, distress, despise, etc in hopes of bein able to counter other control. any suggestions?
is this just an idea you are pitching? or have you actually ran it in tourney? it seems a little slow (for my taste that is) all the removal keeping you afloat till turn 6ish (excluding those pretty little oblits, which arent a problem for any blue control deck I.E. frost titan) is kinda iffy. but i see where the skirge and sword combo could hold your opponent at bay for a few more turns, or just win it outright. would you mind filling me in on how this deck runs? im curious and do like some of the ideas... but i would change it up with alot more 2,3, and 4 cost creatures. but hey thats me, Aggroblack.