There is no red enchantment killer in print. The only other option in mono red are the few artifacts that can potentially kill them. The only one of these that is even remotely worth discussing is ratchet bomb, which is in my opinion too slow to make the cut for the board. If they have a leyline out, price of progress and flame rift can still hit opponents as welll as the creatures in the deck. Its not pretty, but it is not hopeless when they drop leyline of sanctity as game 2 or 3 begins.
I agree that after a 3rd land there is no use for more mana. Some burn decks use fetchlands for thinning their draws as well as stacking the graveyard for a grim lavamancer or barbarian ring. I do not run grim, and I already take enough self inflicted damage via flame rift, barbarian ring, and the rare instance of price of progress with barbarian ring out to be able to afford more life loss from my own deck. Most of the burn decks with fetch also have a land count of 20 instead of the 19 that I run, and I generally kill fast enough that the thinning of a land or 2 is irrelevant due to only seeing less than 5 draws. Wasteland has no place in a burn deck like this. I have 14 cards (excluding rift bolt) that even have colorless in their cost, waste cant sac with fireblast, and it hurts me if it is out with price of progress. My # of lands is also too low in a game to be able to afford trading a land with an opponent in almost any instance, and I cannot afford to have a tapped waste of my own that can be killed by an opposing one when I have 3 or fewer lands.
I ran sulfuric for a long time in this deck. It works great, especially against U/W control which is very popular and strong in the format right now. However, the collateral damage taken by it coupled with the CmC of 3 make it just below the efficiency line needed for success with this deck. Without any 3 mana cards in the deck, (rift bolt being counted as a 1 drop for its suspend cost), I can afford to drop to 19 land. The deck sacrifices stability in the long game for speed in the short game, and that is the only place that this build can truly thrive. Sulfuric would certainly be a good fit in the board for smash as they both are often used to deal with batterskull, but I have just found it to be too slow for its mana cost in a deck that is shooting for the win on turn 3-5. Thanks for bringing sulfuric up though as it is an amazing card in burn, and just on the cusp of being in this deck.
You could really use 4 scavenging ooze, as it is the best ooze printed to date and one of the best mono green 2 drops of all time.
Things to consider: Removing 5 cards for more consistency, adding another land or 2 based on the curve of your deck, and using more copies of fewer cards.
I would suggest Ezuri over khamal as he is much cheaper to cast. Also, I would suggest adding 4 of the following: Nettle sentinel, fyndhorn elves, glimpse of nature, and concordant crossroads. Also, 2 regal forces, 1 emrakul, and a couple green sun's zenith. You can afford to drop to about 16 lands also. You can afford to lose the greaves, wellwisher, timberwatch, promenade, and the skullclamps (as they are banned in legacy) I don't mean to recommend converting into a carbon copy of tier 1 legacy elfball decks but if you want to slam your deck in your opponents face on turn 3 with consistency you may want to look at some of these changes. Cool build though = )
Very nice deck. You ought to run at least 1 kokusho and can probably afford to lose those specters shrouds for another land or two. Other cards you might consider: vampire nighthawk, braids cabal minion, pox and/or smallpox, and cards that can give you some draw power in exchange for some life considering the amount of lifegain potential in this deck. You are also better off just running cabal coffers instead of magus, especially in multiplayer.
Sinkhole instead of Rancid Earth. Phyrexian Totem could replace either artifact or at least the idol. Good sideboard. Believe me when I say that dark ritual does not play well in pox for the most part. A lot of pox decks splash white for vindicate and gerard's verdict.