While I think there are much better ways to build this, A+ on the idea.
The real question is "Is a draw worth more than +1/+0 and rebound?"
You could get hit pretty hard by those dismembers. Maybe a wrath MB instead of ? I feel like dismember doesnt extend the reach of your removal too much.
Cut a check land for a real mountain plz
Love it but Im having trouble looking at a RW deck without paths or bolts. Seriously I add those before I add basics.
Dodge is def my least favorite. Distortion strike is awesome, but that card goes so far so we're testing Slip first.
I think I'm going to add the 1 mana can trip that gives unblock able from oath. Why clear when I can sneak?
Having built a similar deck, it's a great time. However, worship is largely a sideboard card, and yu need to max champion of the parish andfor sure and maybe boring as well just because boring trigger 16 things in this deck. Also play ho or of the pure
Having built a similar deck, it's a great time. However, worship is largely a sideboard card, and yu need to max champion of the parish andfor sure and maybe boring as well just because boring trigger 16 things in this deck.
I'm just trying to point out that the benefit of casting temper for madness is that it cost 1 while bolt already costs one. This was meant to be an honest suggestion.
Lightning bolt does 3 damage for mana without having to wait for a discard.
You have fiery temper but not lightning bolt...
Probably would enjoy 3 pyromancer's goggles.
I prefer flamekin zealot but other than that, this is really cool. have you considered that some sakura tribe elders will help you hit all your necessary colors as well as end up in the grave nice and easy. Also, 1 golgari brownscale somewhere cause this deck hurts.
I still don't get why spreading seas is in here except as land hate. If thats what its for, I think its SB material.
I like that you can tutor spreading seas and land hate
It'll also make you land base easier
Based on your curve, I'd cut the thought knots and a dignitary for coco. Then add a 4th displacer somehow.
Thanks. I can't claim original credit for the idea. I just think I made a better shell.
You'll want to add at least one Gavony Township
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