Lets face it, if you are anything like some of the guys I know, girls can persuade you to do anything. Even if that is betraying your master and swing at them... wait what?
This is an all girl take control deck, if persuasive girls are your fancy, or maybe you are just that nice guy who likes doing things for them, this is the deck for you. Alright enough of this lame explanation lets take a look at some of those cuddle budd.... umm... girls. That's what I meant.
Azorius Keyrune: Nothing to see here, just some much needed mana ramp/fixing.
Chromatic Lantern: Here is a much more important card, it gets the color you need from your lands. Really important for three color decks that aren't running all those nice dual lands.
Attended Knight: After a hard days ride, you know she's ready cool down, plus she comes with her best friend!
Beguiler of Wills: Look at her! She is just begging you to come take her to the dance floor... eh, battlefield!
Captain of the Watch: Look at the way she swings that sword and shield, you know this girl has got the MOVES! When she arrives, she comes with her three besties, and then buffs them! I think she might know attended knight...
Geist-honored Monk: If you thought Captain has got some moves, look at her! She is just going for it! And when she walks in, she brings two of her besties! They're not as lively though...
Zealous Conscript: She doesn't waste time! She knows what she wants, and when she comes in, she goes out and gets it. Don't get attached though, its only for one dance...
Call to Kindred: No smart remark with this card. Except to say, it grabs your humans like it is cool, puts them on the field, and then recycles the cards you didn't use. I believe its effects would stack.
Cloudshift: These girls make some good entrances, each worth seeing again!
Reverberate: Cast something twice, or cast your opponents spells, either way, this can act as a good counter.
Think Twice: Don't hesitate to get one of these girls out, play this one, and it will definitely happen! Sorta contrary to the card though.
Increasing Devotion: This stony girl doesn't dance much, but is definitely the life of the party! This is the hot spot of the town!
Traitorous instinct: This girl keeps the party lively!