The cards, they look good don't they?
The Cards:
Lavinia of the Tenth: She is a field wipe in her own right, especially if you run some flicker with her. However, by the time you player her against the quicker decks, you are going to need that one turn of free damage.
Master Biomancer: Buffs everything on the field, it can get really big really fast! A definite combo with Voice of Resurgence!
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice: She appears in my main board of all my populate decks! These girls have the ability to gain you so much life, and the cheap populate helps. Epic synergy with master biomancer!
Voice of Resurgence: This two drop is your insurance policy against burn, removal, and counter. IF they do any of those things, you now have population fodder. It pushes there instants in their turn, making them have to use more mana. When it dies, you get the population fodder. He'll be around for a long time.
Advent of the Wurm: Quick 5/5 trample and something with power to populate. It easily can gain you life, and even more easily can be buffed to a 7/7! For it's cost, he'll be holding down the fort until you have a few of them!
Azorius Charm: SO MANY SAVES! This thing has an amazing track record with me. Oh? Look they're swining! Oh hey! I am swinging! The life link is so amazing, swing all out with all that population, sure you'll lose a bit, but you get the life equal to all there power. IT makes it in to this deck, for the same reason it is in my current bant populate.
Render Silent: Right when I thought it couldn't get any better than detention sphere, here it is. Counter something, and buy a turn.
Rootborn Defenses: Keep them creatures alive! This deck needs them alive. If it run's anything like my other bant, the recovery time will be slow.
Selesnya Charm: Look at these uses! Early game it gives you a blocker, late game it gets ride of the thundermaw, the thragtusk, the avacyn, what have you. Then it give's a quick buff and trample! So a perfect finisher!
Simic Charm: Bounce, buff, and save them. Each of them keeps your creatures alive. Not to mention giving +3 +3 to that biomancer will make everything enter with five counters until end of turn!
Farseek: The only M13 card, I am going to miss it if it leaves. Searching for the land you need is dynamite.
Wake the Reflections: Now that 2/2 green white knight with vigilance has a buddy! Or the wurm, or the elemental. It is very useful early game against quicker decks!
Grove of the Guardian: Perfect finisher for this deck, plus gain a bunch of life when he enters. Then populate him. Yeah, its good. A risen temple that comes in land form!