Yeah, those are holdovers from a previous iteration of this deck that ran flitterstep eidolons. I'm running 12 plains, 4 hallowed fountains and 4 islands now. I'll go ahead and edit the deck. not so budget anymore, what whatevs.
I like your deck. It has better answers than mine for removal and control. I would like to keep Stratus Walk as much for the card draw as the flying. The mana curve is so low, it's easy to run out of cards. But I might look at some alternatives to Flitterstep Eidolon so I can run a couple Brave the Elements. Maybe a couple of Strings.
What you're up against matters a lot too. It's faster than a most aggro decks. Removal sucks though. I might add a couple Brave the Elements as the Flittersteps are the only non-white creatures in the main deck. IDK.
True and true. Almost everything is 4x though, so there isn't a ton of top deck variety.
I added a couple spheres to the sideboard. I don't feel like aggro poses as much of a threat as, say, removal. I very well could be wrong. I'll let you know after I play the deck some more.
I had the same thought. Makes me sad that it's a 5 drop, though. Maybe 2x spheres instead of the stratus walk?
Oh yeah, you're right. :)
Feedback welcome!