
34 Decks, 9 Comments, 2 Reputation

This version is really fun because of the lack of aggressive tactics and just cards and life and who doesnt want to play in a game of mtg where someone seriously has”Howling Mine”

Updated the description and the how-to

Posted 02 February 2022 at 21:31 in reply to #646205 on Group Hug


I like this deck a lot. Good flexibility and really enjoy all those lieges. Demonic Tutor instead of diabolic??? was the only thing I could see

Posted 09 March 2014 at 18:30 as a comment on Cromat EDH


I agree this deck is super jank, treasure hunt will not win you the game with maniac in play because the treasure hunt is not a draw mechanic (it gets cards in your hand but you do not draw them) and you have to be on at least turn 4 to mill your deck down to zero cards for a turn 5 win with your beginning draw. and the slightest bit of creature kill or counter will end its day

Posted 09 March 2014 at 16:44 in reply to #445688 on Laboratory Maniac


amulet of vigor and exploration would make this deck so much faster and really take out the dark depths when are you going to be able to remove all ten counters before you are dead

Posted 25 February 2014 at 16:56 as a comment on All land...


the banneret does reduce the prowl cost as well as the standard cmc because it is a alternative casting cost
the prowl ability says "you may play this card for the prowl cost"
and the banneret say "Rogue spells cost 1 less to play"
your still playing the card just for real cheap

Posted 02 November 2013 at 04:41 in reply to #408901 on Casual Rogue Tribal Budget


the changes look good though I still think you need urborg, tomb of yawgmoth

heres why

By itself cabal coffers is awesome but it really suffers turn 1-4 and is first useful on turn 5 giving you 6 mana

Without tomb in play: (4x Swamp & 1x Cabal Coffers)
turn 5 - tap 2xSwamp + coffer(coffer counts the other 4 swamps) = 4 mana & 2xSwamp to tap for a grand total of 6

but with the tomb out making it a swamp as well
you get 5 mana on turn 4 and 7 mana on turn 6

with tomb in play:
(1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 1x Cabal Coffers, 2x Swamp)
Turn 4 - tap 2xSwamp + coffer(coffer counts tomb, 2xSwamp and itself) = 4 mana & 1xSwamp to tap for a grand total of 5

(1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 1x Cabal Coffers, 3x Swamp)
Turn 5 - tap 2xSwamp + coffer(coffer counts tomb, 3xSwamp and itself) = 5 mana & 2xSwamp to tap for a grand total of 7

OR with another coffer on the table (which makes things awesomer if possible)

(1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 2x Cabal Coffers, 1x Swamp)
Turn 4 - tap 2xSwamp + Coffer = 4 mana ====> use 2xMana for other Coffer = 6 mana

(1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 2x Cabal Coffers, 2x Swamp)
Turn 5 - tap 2xSwamp + Coffer = 5 mana ====> use 2xMana for other Coffer = 7 mana & 1xSwamp for a grand total of 8 mana

here is the chart as well if you Dark Ritualed out either a nirkana or crypy ghast before hand on turn 2 or three

Turn 4 (1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 1x Cabal Coffers, 2x Swamp) + Crypt Ghast - Makes the mana total 9

Turn 5 (1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 1x Cabal Coffers, 3x Swamp) + Crypt Ghast - Makes the mana total 12

OR with another coffer on the table (which makes things awesomer if possible)

Turn 4 (1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 2x Cabal Coffers, 1x Swamp) + Crypt Ghast - Makes the mana total 10

Turn 5 (1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, 2x Cabal Coffers, 2x Swamp) + Crypt Ghast - Makes the mana total 16

and it also makes it a good turn two drop with urborg out turn one you still have 2 mana available and you still have your three for turn three

and another cool synergy with the crypt ghast and nirkana is that if the coffers are a swamp when their ability is used then they still get the extra mana production from the creatures so its kinda win win all over the place

Posted 31 October 2013 at 21:43 in reply to #408558 on Mono Black Death


For black ramp you are missing a key piece since you are not going for standard or modern legality

that is Cabal Coffers + Urborg tomb of yawgmoth they combo perfectly with crypt ghast and nirkana as you still get the mana from the critters as well as getting ridiculous mana from the lands

switch out murder with hero's downfall (more flexibility)

This is a BIG one for ramp decks, you need somewhere to ramp to as it stands now you only have nirkana as your kill condition you need some X spells for finishers as well

I would recommend Exsanguinate as either 1x or 2x and a 4x of consume spirit and take out some go for the throats and doom blades

and in reality the whip doesn't really do much without something in the graveyard could be a dead draw most times

check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/duudeman1620/decks/mono-black-ramp/

Posted 31 October 2013 at 19:43 as a comment on Mono Black Death


I agree that figure of destiny would be a much more credible threat then the slumbering dragon

a REALLY good trade out would be Goblin Arsonist ===> Mogg Fanatic (same effect you can choose when to damage though)

take out the Akroan crusader and the Dragon mantle since it is a shoehorn in the deck (your own words) and put something like Rakdos Cackler and then chain lightning for the mantles

and also instead of pillar of flame either Flame slash(more damage just creatures) or Forked bolt (more flexibility)

Posted 31 October 2013 at 17:13 in reply to #405051 on One Mana Red


he is but to expensive for the build for what he does, supposed to get the lock and keep all their lands in hand and they scoop :-)

Posted 17 September 2013 at 03:24 in reply to #397032 on U/G Wizard Contol
