The extra swamp is most likely brought in along with Ashiok to help cast Ashiok and the Disciple of Deceit. This would be my assumption. :-) Who wants to see squirrels?
For all those who take the oath.. +1
No worries! Feel free to check out some of my decks and criticize / provide suggestions! +1
Descent of the Dragons FTW? That cards seems to be missing.
I had to replace 2 Trail of Mystery with 2 Voyaging Satyr and 3 Nyx-Fleece Ram with 3 Eidolon of Blossoms. I noticed I didn't have a way to untap Nykthos originally so the satyr will be my fix for that. Also, drawing cards seems way better than the 1 life per turn with Nyx-Fleece.
I am already thinking against having turn 4 creatures in favor of manifesting with Mastery of the Unseen.. am I wrong here?
This build of yours definitely seems more focused than mine. <--welcome to suggestions and criticismI am going to take stock in how your curve is set. Turn 4 - hopefully manifest a nasty. You should have a great time at your Standard/ Game day events as well. Good luck!
Please comment if you also want to manifest. I welcome ALL comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc.
Right!? I checked my bank account to see if I could at least buy one but, no dice.
HURRY! TCG Player has her as low as $32 - $35 today. I'll hope to pull her out of a box or fat pack possibly. ;-)
I agree with NoSeriously and would suggest cutting 2 Narset in favor of 2 Monastery Siege. If you have pre-ordered all four Narset already then no worries cuz she's BEAUTIFUL! The siege would give card draw or protection.
Please comment! All likes/ dislikes/ criticism/ suggestions are certainly welcome! This deck was made in response to my play testing Mardu. <-----
I read his post where he talked of picking one's poison. It was that mentality that brought me to this version of the deck! Hopefully some play testing will happen for me tonight!
Is there anyone out there playing something similar to this build?
Have you considered play testing this mill-strocity (I'm liking the deck, btw!) with Sorin, Solemn Visitor in place of Jace, the Living Guildpact? Sorin would beef creatures a bit for both your and your opponents turns until you're next on the play; possibly steering your opponent away from attacking you. Jace does give you a way to feed delve and gain information each turn; setting up your next draw. Alone, with their +1 abilities, I like Sorin in place of Jace. I'm biased though as I haven't actually played Jace yet... :-P Just looking for your input in this regard FadedHerbivore!