Angelic Pathmakers V2.0

by Duske on 11 June 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Angelic Pathmakers deck has finally reached V2.0, after a few long months of thinking and looking through my cards and cards over some websites, I've finally figured out which cards I should upgrade it with. So here it is, the ALPHA deck of ongoing Angelic Tokenage.
V1.0 cards taken out.
-Everflowing Chalice
-Steward of Valeron
-Prismatic Ward
-Sunspring Expedition
-1 Eland Umbra
-1 Spider Umbra
- Growth Spasm

V1.1 Cards taken out:

- Quiron Elves
- Fertile Grounds X2
- Kabira Crossroads
- Righteousness

V1.2 :

Now for V1.2, I wanted to make it a bit more tourny legal by taking out cards like Angelic Wall (which I put in without putting it on here), Fertile Ground, and some others. I put in a bit more creatures, added another Wall of Omens, which let's me draw an additional card then before, Nest Invaders, which basically gives me a killable mana source for Colourless, and some others.

Time I put in some Elves? Only one creature though, and they let me draw another card. I'm thinking of putting Juraga Treespeakers in this deck, but the only problem is, it's pretty much pointless unless I have 2 Plains, and 1 Colourless. Actually now that I think of it, I could get Linvala out on turn 3, which I could do with this deck right now actually... I think?
1.2 cards taken out:
- Elvish Visionary x2
- Lone Missionary x2
- Eland Umbra x2
- Gaurd Duty x2
- Life Link
- Smite x2

V1.3 - I finally got some Idyllic Tutors, so I can fetch my Sigils when I need them, or if I have 1 or 2, I can get a different enchantment like Pasifism, or some Umbra's. I got one more Sigil, so the likeness of getting them increases by 3%. I put 2 Serra Angel's in here, since it's like a Angel token, just with Vigilance. I put Greenweaver Druids (2) for more mana flow as well. Kor Spiritdancer is in here, so if I don't get my Sigil out, I can pull my last resort and change my deck into an Aura deck, with my 2 Aura Gnarlid's, and 2 Kor Spiritdancers. I gain power and toughness by putting Aura's on Spiritdancer, while Gnarlid gains Power and Toughness for EACH Aura on the field, plus everytime I play an Aura, I draw a card.

Also, I ordered some cards from, so they'll be coming within 3 weeks.

I ordered
- Selesnya Sanctuary x4
- Angel Feather x4
- Iona, Shield of Emeria
- Luminarch Ascension (I'm getting another one from a friend)

and some other cards, which I forget. Iona, Shield of Emeria will find it's way in this deck, and it'll be a very devestating card inside this deck. Angel feather won't be going in here, I got them for another deck. Luminarch Ascension will be helping me in the beginning if I take NO damage, but it's every turn that I don't, and I doubt through the whole game I'll be getting dealt damage to my life, but I'm putting 4 Holy Days in here, so that'll help. Selesnya Sanctuary will go in place of Elfhame Palace, and 2 other cards. I'm also contemplating making this deck a 60 card deck soon, adding mana and a few spells.


Alright, so I didn't get my Sanctuary's but I did get my Iona and my Luminarch Ascention, which I tested and took out of the deck. Iona is still in there though.

Cards I took out

-Serra Angel x2
- Greenweaver Druid x2
- Mul Daya Channelers x2
- Nimbus Wings x2
- Elfhame Palace x2
- Pacifism

Now I took out Greenweaver, because of the amount I have to pay to play him. Not much, but it is to me.
Mul Daya were only good if I had a land at the top of my deck. In some case, it's a mistake to take it out, but i'm not in Beta testing for nothing. Nimbus Wings were useful, but I figured half my deck was flying, so.. yeah.
Elfhame palace was replaced by Iona and something else, but I will soon half my Selesnya Sanctuary's.

Add ons

I took out Pacifism for Journey to Knowhere, since JtN is better, since it takes it out of the game, and making it's abilities (the enchanted creatures) turn into something you can't use, instead of making them unable to block or attack while leaving the abilities still on going.

I added Martial Coup, for the whole "You get creatures, and every other creature is destroyed" move, but if I have umbra's on my creatures, my creatures are still able to survive, while i have 5+ Soldiers on the field.

I added Iona, Shield of Emeria for a Final Move, since it makes your opponent become unable to cast any spell of the chosen colour. It makes a great end game scenario.

Version 2.0

After countless amounts of battling other people with this deck, I have considered multiple times to change the deck from a 50 card size, to a 60 card size. Now I need to play with other people with my 60 card deck, and so far, It's working out well.

Cards added

Fog x2
Nature's Spiral x2
Elspeth Tirel x1
Plains x3
Forest x2

Nature's Spiral to bring back cards like Elspeth Tirel, Iona, Shield of Emeria, Linvala, and Enchantments, and some other creatures
Fog for protection from me, being mauled by creatures.. And the rest of the lands for.. more lands.

So I am almost completely done this deck. Just wanna see where it goes, and if I should add Holy Day x2 to the deck, for more protection.

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This deck has been viewed 192 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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