It defintely helps! This was originally had more lifegain, but I got away from it after getting slammed by my fiance's black deck a few times. I've been meaning to get that aspect back in it.
Returning the comment from my deck- I don't think this is something I'd like to run into anytime soon. It's interesting to see how many options black has for increasing -1/-1 counters without proliferate. (So much to learn about this game... so much...)
Thanks for the input- Inkmoth Nexus is just out of my price range right now (holiday shopping takes a hunk out of the ol' budget), but I'll defintely put it on my to-get list. As for the Dissipate... right now I'm just using this one causally, and my playgroup is not fond of counter cards. I keep the numbers down for the sake of harmony, keeps the play sessions longer. I'll have to get some on standby if/when I do a tournament.