Havengul works well with rooftop storm cause even then zombie spells are free, so yeah, i like it too its work well for me in the past
bubbling cauldron might be an idea for you, i mean 4 life everytime could go well. um and with that in mind if you use that angelic accord goes well with it.
i was running a deck similar to this recently, with the exile part might be an idea for rest in peace, then jace can help exile there deck too. just an idea for you.
Everything looks really good, i would say watch graveborn muse and endless ranks of the dead, ive seen both go in such a way thats what kills you. other from that some nice things to go with are coat of arms (yes it does affect other creature types but if you find you have more than its an idea)other from that something i found with my own it was nice when using Grimoire of the dead you can steal all there creatures and with noxious ghoul on the field you should be able to kill alot others. and beyond that theres also Lim-Dul the Necromancer, with trigger being able to steal oppenents creatures and a 2 cost regen for any zombie. so i like him, but thats me.i hope that helps.oh and cryptic gateway might go well for lots of uncounterable creatures lol