Hmm so maybe add in Voyaging Satyr's? I have seen them mentioned on other posts
I thought about Iso Scepter but I am not sure what to take out. I never thought of Holistic Wisdom, that could be a pretty nasty card.
I didnt know about Tangle, that is a fantastic idea. How many would you recommend playing? Top was just a space holder and I just got my Orim's Chants. I have 1 crucible I will throw in. How did your decks fair? Any ideas on maybe another possible win con or a different win con?
Doomsday has always been a personal favorite when it comes to pure chaos haha. This list has been working out very well in play testing, so the next tournament I will try and provide details. I love legacy stax, figured a new swing on it couldnt hurt.
I am running it currently and have some great results in goldfishing, 1v1's and as well as group games. Havent hit up any tournaments with it yet as I am still toying around with it, but when I do I will def post results.
I do like Mystic Speculation a lot, I was going to play test a little with it. Thanks for the suggestion!
As a new player to the legacy lands deck I will say....bravo good sir. Bravo :DI will have to post my tourney deck I use, I have a multiplayer version as well but its not as good as I just got all of the cards for it
Yea in two headed giant I can see a deck like thos working out nicely. Good Luck
im going to play test my list, i changed it around a little with some of your suggestions. I will let you know how well it does after next weeks game (ill play group and singles to test)
because of fastbound, that card is super broken.....haha
Type your deck name...hmmmm I really do like the idea of putting axeban guardians in there for mana ramp, but not sure what i would take out. I like the idea of circle of protection, i might look into that but then I would have to cycle something out (maybe the detention sphere's). The board wipes I think cover a wide variety of things for single 1 on 1's and group games. Man I do really like debt to the deathless i might add it and take out one Supreme verdict. I have the ubran evolutions because of the card draw and the extra land, but I do like Invoke the fireind. You had some really solid ideas I think I am going to play test them and see what happens. I know the debt to the deahtless in a group game could win it for me right there haha.Any other suggestions? What kind of side board do you have for yours? Im looking for some solid suggestions. I ll edit the deck a little today with the debt's and the axeban gaurdians (maybe take out the gatekeepers).
I played this in a few 1 on 1 games against some of the current modern deck types (POD, Burn and U/R Delver) and I wont lie...I didnt do that well against burn or delver. POD it was ok, but not all that great. I cant seem to get a really solid winning formula for thistype. Now I did play this in a group game (4-6 people) and it was a lot of fun. I was able to get everything out i needed and I won 2 games actually out of about 8. Its fun but I am not sure how to make it tournament viable (if it even can be haha)
Thanks for the comment, I was kicking it around after seeing a few deck lists up here and wanting to dive into D and T Legacy for awhile. I am not entirely sure how well this will play against Delver, it might be ok. Again any suggestions would be fantastic!
I really like this deck, I kind of want to build my own version. have you tried this in any tournaments? Im curious to see how well it would play out.
Ya I was trying to get some creatures in there for a little aggro protection early game. I havent found anything yet I would throw in there, but it didnt seem like a bad card for the deck type. A few friends of mine decided to pick a random card and build a deck around it so this was what i came up with. Thanks for the kind words
I like it, I have a similar idea im looking at building. +1 for me good sir, this is a solid deck. Mean as hell haha
Wow...what a cool idea. My friends and I play a lot of multiplayer during the week after work. Its a grea tway to just relax and we are always building crazy decks to mess with each other. This deck will make meHATED...then the guy that played a Stasis Deck in a group game once and thought I was going to get punched in the face...haha
I really like this idea actually....hmm I might throw something together similar (Ill add my own STANK to it) solid deck my friend, I would be honored to play against this in FNM
I agree, this deck is solid. I play a similar version but havent uploaded it to the Vault yet. Amen good sir, amen