I would swap Bloodcrazed Neonate for Erdwal Ripper, Markov Patrician for Child of Night, and I would get rid of Balustrade Spy. Although I would try to avoid cards that cost two of the same color and have a CMC of less than 5(i.e. Heirs of Stormkirk) as that can slow down multicolored decks.
Thanks, I will try to do that.
Cool deck. It's given me some ideas for my green infect deck that I've been stuck on.
I would probably put Guard Gomazoa in instead of Fog Bank or Void Stalker but pretty sure that wouldn't be tournament legal. Unsummon could be useful with Supreme Verdict though.
I would swap Angel's Mercy for Whitesun's Passage and Pacifism for Arrest but that might not work for you.
Thanks for the heads up, I hadn't noticed that.
Stampeding Wildebeests with Wall of Blossoms looks like a smart combination. I've used a similar idea in my Angel deck, check it out if you have time.http://www.mtgvault.com/drunk%20rhino/decks/avacyns-angels/
Ancient Hellkite might work for you in this deck.
Really cool idea with the spikes combined with the hydra! Maybe you could try mixing in some Graft as well. Sporeback Troll, Simic Initiate, Simic Basilisk, Cytospawn Shambler, or Cytoplast Root-Kin all look like they could work in your deck.
I don't know much about gatecrash but the extort and cipher stuff sounds like my sort of thing and the creatures in Boros look awesome. Couldn't could give you any advice on your deck building though sorry. I'd love to get my hands on them when they come out but there tends to be a delay before I can afford them.
I tend to favor Engulfing Slagwurm myself.
I think I'll take out Markov Warlord as it is a bit over priced and I need Child of Night since I don't have many cheap creature cards. I think I'll also swap out Disentomb for Sign in Blood to try keep things moving quickly. Thanks for the help!
Does it work?
That could work quite well and I do have a couple spare at the moment. Any idea what I should take out for them?
I don't really know if it's tournament legal as I only play casual with my friends but from my (very) basic understanding you might be able to use it in Modern.
You should see if you can fit a few Evil Presence in there.
Why do you have Abundant Growth in there since all your cards are green? Maybe you could put in Scorned Villager instead as it cost the same amount of mana and you have a chance of producing 2 mana from it.
I found the proliferate cards I had (namely Volt Charge) cost too much mana and slowed the deck down but I put Spread the Sickness in to try have a little bit of proliferate in there.
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