Standard Weenie

by drumhead21 on 28 October 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Artifacts (8)

Enchantments (7)

Land (22)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (3)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Quick as hell, with tons of removal.

Deck Tags

  • Weenie

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 3,961 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Standard Weenie

yea ! i'm likin this i think white is a good way to go with the myr's and the andomitable archangel a good way of taking catre of them maybe add sunblast angelas well for a bit more kill

(hey any chance of viewing my decks with no comments and working your usual magic ? cheers.) 9.5 for this looks good. tempered steel is nice too. and i like th e card draw from wall of omens.

Posted 28 October 2010 at 18:50


klots of kill in this - there was still a few gaps when i commented lol, like the new additions.and the quick drop artifacts !

Posted 28 October 2010 at 18:52


Thanks, i think this deck will perform very well... Origin Spellbomb and Wall of Omens is great card drawing for white...

Posted 28 October 2010 at 18:55


particualy here as it gives you the myr 1st so keeps the metal craft going and gives you a card, if we were still scoring out of 10 friend id have rated this one right up the top. - well done is it buiilt yet ? or just in you rmind (and so on here ) ?

Posted 28 October 2010 at 19:10


Not yet, I will hopefully build and play test it this weekend...

Posted 28 October 2010 at 19:26


Posted 28 October 2010 at 19:43


that was random

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:48


i would throw in 2 nomad's assembaly just so u can doubleand quadruple the strength of ur weenie army

Posted 28 October 2010 at 21:09


and i would sideboard some liquimetal coating so that u can protect elspeth and the archangel herself from burn and removal cards

Posted 28 October 2010 at 21:17


Liquimetal Coating won't help elspeth at all, it'll make her easier to kill. She'll just be an Artifact Planewalker, you can still target her... Now even more so that she's also an artifact.
Nomad's Assembley won't work much either, all the "weenies" are artifacts receiving the bonus from Tempered Steel...

Posted 29 October 2010 at 12:37


if u have the archangel on the field it will give elspeth shroud smart one

Posted 30 October 2010 at 09:23


Don't be a douche nozzle about it... I just missed your point was all. Not a bad idea... thanks

Posted 30 October 2010 at 14:44


hahaha u called me a deuche nozzle :D i like u drumhead

Posted 30 October 2010 at 21:31


Hahaha, glad we can be friends...

Posted 01 November 2010 at 14:15


Holy crap! You again drumhead21? You make some good stuff my man.
This deck is fast as f@#k...

Posted 29 October 2010 at 19:43


Thanks, I've been playin since 94...

Posted 29 October 2010 at 20:39


Wow, long time! I started with Mirrodin... no where near as long!

Posted 01 November 2010 at 20:14


What about Mox Opal helps with metalctraft and speed?

Posted 01 November 2010 at 21:42


I like that card and I have four of them, i just don't see a need for it.

Posted 02 November 2010 at 13:40


Thats how i would discribe my deck 2.. Just that i think mine is a little faster and much more removal spells..

Posted 02 November 2010 at 12:00


I'll have to check it out!

Posted 02 November 2010 at 13:41


howling mines instead of journy to nowhere? you have good low casting cost for alot of this so I would imagine alot of games have you sittin without cards around turn 5.... sure the howling mine hurts ya too by givin all that draw to your opponent, but it helps your artifact theme and you should be able to do more with it than your average opponent

Posted 02 November 2010 at 12:40


Howling Mine is no longer in Standard...

Posted 02 November 2010 at 13:40


Any thoughts on adding some steel overseer? That is my goal for my white/artifact aggro deck since I already have two of him and 2 angels. I am not sure what I would drop, maybe the juggernaut a myrsmith a condemn and a gold myr (or maybe two gold myr since you aren't playing with the galvanizer)

Posted 02 November 2010 at 15:55


That1Guy has deleted this comment.

Posted 02 November 2010 at 18:21


Gold Myr provide early mana ramp to drop Tempered Steel sooner. Myrsmith produce artifact creatures to consistantly to remove them and condemn is good removal. I may consider dropping Darksteel Juggernaut, but i doubt i would.
I guess i can sideboard Steel Overseer...

Posted 02 November 2010 at 18:34


Darksteel Juggernaut isn't very good honestly. Elspeth really doesn't seem all that great in this deck, and the Dispense Justice would probably be better as another 2 Journey to Nowhere. Work on the sideboard to make the cards actually improve the deck against certain matchups. Like with Steel Overseer... What would you want to side it in against that it wouldn't be good against otherwise? I would instead focus on beating specific decks with your sideboard. For example, Kor Firewalker is AWESOME against a pure red deck (fairly popular now days). Even if it doesn't fit the main theme it is worth the sideboard slots because it will still make the deck that much better against red. Leonin Arbiter would be great against a ramp/valakut deck. Luminarch Ascension is great against slow control decks. The list goes on and on. The configuration you currently have doesn't seem to help in very many matchups, let alone against some of the more popular deck choices in standard.

Posted 02 November 2010 at 21:12


That's gotta be hands-down the best suggestive advice I've ever gotten on this site... While it was obvious to me and known, I let the deck ride as it was, but now that someone has actually spoken up and said something, i will make adjustments to it today. Thanks Edna!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 12:44


This deck looks a little odd to be in a few ways:

1) Wall of Omens: I'm not so sure what a weenie deck is doing with 4 wall of omens in it. Wall of omens does give you card advantage, however it does not allow you to do anything except that. Weenie decks are focused on playing fast paced creatures to attack and kill your opponent quickly. The wall of omens do not do that. Yes you could make a case that the wall could end up allowing you to draw an ornithopter or a memnite, but in my opinion there would be a better card that would replace the walls.
2) Darksteel Juggernaut: You have one darksteel juggernaut in this deck. I'm not sure what purpose that serves. Sure if you were to draw it, and you have 5 mana and you have a bunch of artifacts in play to make it useful, it would be awesome. Seeing how you only have 1 darksteel juggernaut in this deck and no search cards to help you search for it. I could only begin to wonder just how difficult would it really be for you to find it.
3) Day of Judgment: I know this is a sideboard card and perhaps can be used to help you clear the board, but when would you really use it and against what deck? It is rather rare to see a board wiping card in a sideboard for a weenie deck because all the creatures you play would also be swept up by Day of Judgment. So I find it a bit odd to have a sideboard with 3 cards that has the potential to wipe your board. Understandably, you are running control in this deck and occasionally you might want to hold onto some creatures, then play a Day of Judgment. Kill all the creatures on your opponent's side of the board and then play some creatures of your own after having killed your opponent's creatures. But, to my knowledge, if white weenie is not throwing down threats, it is losing on tempo either to control, aggro, combo or some combination of the three.

Again, I'm not here to bash your deck. I'm just trying to give you a few tips on what I think of it. I have not tested this deck out, but I'm very interested in doing so. When I get the chance (perhaps tonight) I'll make this deck and test it out.

Innovative deck idea, I like it, but just a bit odd. I'll give you a more in depth review on it, when I get a chance to test it out.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 12:53


I was in the middle of changing the deck around, be sure take a look again...

Posted 03 November 2010 at 13:03


Oh, but thanks for the advice. Day of Judment was an odd card for me too, i decided to dump it and sideboard the Wall of Omens, I added Glint Hawk Idol for a nice arial threat!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 13:04


Alright drumhead21! Are you ready?

I got a chance to test this deck out. First off I have to say that I was fairly excited to give this deck a try. Initially I did not expect much from this deck because I was initially very skeptical of this deck because of a few cards.

However, I did give this deck a whirl and what ended up happening? Well this deck actually kinda surprised me.

Here were the results listed below:


-Blue/White Control-
This match can go very one sided for either side. If you manage to get a Tempered Steel through with 2-3 artifacts in play generally speaking you are going to win the game. However, depending on if the opponent has a Day of Judgment / Condemn in his hands the fight can go very one sided. Again, the match again U/W Control is a very difficult fight. Why? Mana Leak costs 2 mana to put out, Negate costs 2 mana to put out, Deprive costs 2 mana to put out. These 3 counters are what most U/W control decks run. And most control runs 4 Mana Leaks, 2-3 Negates, and 2-3 Deprives. Thus, the chance of you getting out a Tempered Steel is fairly low. Unless you manage to get a Tempered Steel out the U/W player will just sit there tanking the damage from 1/1 (Memnites, Myrs, and 0/2 Ornithopters).

Surprisingly, the Glint Hawk Idols are some what decent against U/W. Because Glint Hawk Idols are only creatures for one turn (on your turn). They survive Day of Judgment! Thus, the only thing they are vulnerable to is condemn. Overall, I'd have to say that U/W Control will win against your deck because of the sheer number of counters and board wiping. Your deck just doesn't dish out enough damage without Tempered Steel in play and running 2 Condemns, 3 Journey to Nowhere and 4 Dispense Justices main board does not actually help the deck because that's 6 spells that do not actually add threat to your board. The U/W player meerly will play down a turn 8 Jace, the Mind Sculptor and exile your decks in a few turns. There is no need for him to attack you, so the main deck of running 9 removals does nothing to scare U/W.

-Red Deck Wins-
This match was yet again a very one sided match. From the play testing I was able to scrap up. It seems to me that you can win the game fairly easily if you manage to drop a turn 3 tempered steel with 2-3 artifacts in play. However, should you be able to land a turn 3 Tempered Steel along with 2-3 artifacts in play, then the game is pretty much won by the red deck. From what I can see, this deck is very heavily based on Tempered Steel. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this deck greatly relies on Tempered Steel, in that without it the deck almost does not have a win condition.

Yes in deed you do have 9 removals against the red deck. However, a few of these cards are not particularly efficient against the red deck. For example, condemn is not a particularly good card against red. Why? Against red deck, your goal is to kill him before he kills you. With condemn, you are giving him lifes by allowing him to put it on the bottom. Sure you are getting rid of a creature, but you are also giving him life. And also, running condemn eats up a card from your deck and does not actually give you card advantage. What do I mean? Take for instance a 10 card deck. Red runs 10 creatures. You run 8 creatures and 2 removals. You are taking board advantage, however you are also lacking in creatures. 10 creatures > than 8 creatures, so the condemns don't actually help in the fight against fast red decks. Additionally, the other removal, Dispense Justice is 3 mana for a single removal or 3 mana or 2 removals if you happen to have metalcraft. I tend to find that a few times against red, you are actually trading creatures for creatures. Against red decks you have to trade creatures with them or they will just keep ramping up on creatures and burn, and the next thing you know your life total is close to 0. Additionally, it is common for red to dish out most burn spells i.e. Lightning Bolt to your face, but occassionally, they will not hesitate to kill a Glint Hawk or another artifact to pave the way for their attackers.

Once again, I find the deck to be very revolved around Tempered Steel. I have to say though the Indomitable Angel is a fairly hard creature for red to deal with. Especially if you manage to smack down a turn 3 Indomitable Angel. Usually red has to waste 2 burn spells to get rid of the flyer or just bite the bullet and attack. So I will say that the angel was better than I thought. But I'm afraid that you have no way of effectively dealing with Koth of the Hammer. I would say that he is a threat on the turn he comes out all the way throughout the rest of the game. If your opponent drops a turn 4 Koth, you are racing against a timer.


I know that I haven't run this deck against all the decks out there in standard (T2), but this should be a starting point of analysis for you. I'll sum up what I found in a few key points

(1) The deck relies too heavily on Tempered Steel. A large majority of the artifact creatures (64% to be exact) are either 1/1 or 0/2. That means you are going to have a very hard time trying to dish out damage in anything significant without Tempered Steel.

(2) Many times the removal spells are not as helpful as you would imagine them to be. There have been a few occassions, I found them to be quite helpful, but those cases were far and few, much less so than I thought. I had initially imagined that the removal would be super effective, but alas they were not as powerful as I had thought.

(3) This next point is something I was thinking of since I first saw your deck post. This deck looks very similar to a deck called Weenie Quest or White Weenie Quest. I don't know if you have heard of it or not. But do look it up. Not to bash on your deck at all, but I feel that Weenis Quest is a more effective means of a white weenie deck because they run more mana efficient creatures and have more threats to play on the board.

(4) And last point, run 8 fetch lands or 4 fetch lands (Arid Mesa / Marsh Flats). Why run these lands that end up hurting you? The reasoning is that you want to thin your deck out. What do I mean by thinning a deck out? You want to get rid of as many lands as possible so that you can have a higher chance of drawing creatures. A single fetch land will get rid of 2 lands in the deck for you and allow you to draw more creatures and other spells.

Well I hope that helped. Best of luck on your deck making and I hope you are able to come up with something innovative and awesome. Later.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 21:16


Wow! That is a lot of feed back. I knew the deck was based heavily around tempered steel, but most decks are based are one card. I imagined the removal more for the sake of Vampires, Elves, and Primeval Titan's.
I have heard of and have seen the "Quest for Argentum Armor" decks and I do agree they are more well balanced. Yet, I'm not seeking the norm, I try to make something different, something people do not expect and it usually serves me well. I like this deck quite a bit and overall I don't think it would do all that bad in a tournament. Granted it may not place first, but i could see it landing in the top 8 when played correctly and against promising opponents.
Thanks again for all your advice and help!

Posted 04 November 2010 at 12:22


Also, I checked out your black control deck and left a comment...

Posted 04 November 2010 at 12:48


where is the kill coming from? ya you can drop a lot of little critters and beef em up a touch with tempered steel but against a half way decent vamp, elf, burn, control it'll get ripped apart for not making any decent attacks or means of damage

Posted 03 November 2010 at 13:57


I donno about getting ripped apart... It has a fair share of it's own removal I'd say. I'd gladly play against elves of vamps with this deck

Posted 03 November 2010 at 14:49


How do you like the Idea of running Eldrazi Monument in this kind of deck? Gives everything a +1/+1 boost, flying, and indestructibility. Use it as a finisher spell.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 15:35


Not a bad idea, since i can generate Myr tokens pretty quickly with Myrsmith.. It's something i'll have to think about. Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 15:41


I'm diggin the new additions you've added my friend. Very nice!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 17:20


Thanks! Glin Hawk Idol should have been in there from the start...

Posted 04 November 2010 at 12:23


Defintely my friend... If you like theme decks, check out my Release the Kraken deck =)

Posted 04 November 2010 at 13:30


i like it and plan to build something like that, but your only win condition as i can see is if you cast tempered steel. so i think i'm gonna put some battlespheres and steel overseers. what do you think?

Posted 04 November 2010 at 14:08


Sounds like a pretty good idea, let me know how it works out...

Posted 04 November 2010 at 14:20


i like the deck

i think i will add two to three extra land card, Emeria, the Sky Ruin if i know the battle is going to be a long battle.

Posted 05 November 2010 at 02:58


This deck is pretty aggro, i think it'll be a quick game. Either way, because if the opponent can stop him right away than their deck is quick enough to kill him too. Emeria, the Sky Ruin just doesn't really fit this deck. That's just my opinion.

Posted 06 November 2010 at 12:29


I don't see how Emeria would help this deck much. Maybe in Multi-player, but that's about it.

I'll keep it in mind for that though... thanks!

Posted 06 November 2010 at 13:40

what do you think about my deck? what else should i put?

Posted 07 November 2010 at 11:33


I've been so busy lately, I have yet to look still. My bad...

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:48


In response to the problem of the deck relying too much on tempered steel, I suggest adding Ajani and/or Myr Galvanizer to bump up your winnies. Also, doesn't indomitable archangel cancel out tempered steel and other bumping up abilities with shroud ( can't be the target of spells or abilities - even your own.) If you want strong flying cards, maybe you can run serra angel instead (or if you can afford it, baneslayer). Just a thought... Other then that, great deck.

Posted 07 November 2010 at 18:27


tempered steel doesnt target so it still can give a shroud creature +2/+2

Posted 08 November 2010 at 02:54


i really really like this, well done.

Posted 07 November 2010 at 22:10


Thanks, i appreciate it!

Posted 08 November 2010 at 12:50


Slight change to the sideboard. I dropped the 2 Sword of Body and Mind and the extra Myrsmith for 3 Etched Champion's. The blanket effect of Tempered Steel still provides it's bonus and I swapped out the mysmith for these when playing against light removal decks.
Having protection from their colors is great and usually they are stronger with Tempered Steel then any other artifact creature that can block them.

Posted 08 November 2010 at 12:55


Very nice change my friend. Very nice!

Posted 08 November 2010 at 19:23


ive always liked this one from the 1st or i think 2nd draft fast and deadly whilst sooooOOooo much feedback is great stick to your guns and run it how it was intened you'll play it better that way :-)

Posted 11 November 2010 at 18:43


Thank you my friend! I've been play testing this a lot and the current deck is definitely the best out of the others, but I understand ya, sometimes it is nice to stick to your guns.

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:50



Posted 11 November 2010 at 21:43


Against me? Yes it would win probably... I used to have it in the deck, but it would cripple me more often than my opponent, so i steered away from it.

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:47


i like

Posted 12 November 2010 at 05:31


Thanks, the deck works really well

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:46


I want to say thank you to everyone who has commented or liked this deck. It's kinda strange thought; i barely put much effort into this when I originally posted it and look where it has gotten me... Sometimes it just takes a good idea and an open mind for ideas from others. Thanks again everyone!

Posted 12 November 2010 at 17:51


No prob.

Posted 14 November 2010 at 22:13


Just wanted to say thatI really like the way that you modified this deck. I bought a ton of scars artifacts on mtgo to try out different color combos for the splintertwin trick and I ended up coming back down to this white aggro. I was really hanging on to the myr galvinizer/battlesphere because it should be cool in theory but I let it go. Here is what I am running for skirmishes (I don't run the sideboard, it is thrown together)
Machete is great for when the tempered steel isn't dropping and easily creates myr. Not certain about pilgrim's eye but helps to get things moving if I am short on plains.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 12:22


Thankd i appreciate the kind words. I've looked at your deck as well.

Posted 24 November 2010 at 12:58


I really like your deck, but I would make slight changes:
1) I would remove 2 lands and put something like 2 Etched Champion (put 1 land in your SB)
2) I would remove 1 Leonin Arbitrer and put in 2 Leyline of Sanctity in your SB (so would coul be protect from RDW)

Othere then that, really good deck!
Would you mind checking out and commenting my dek aswell please?

Posted 08 December 2010 at 10:26


meccs has deleted this comment.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:41


I just tested this deck online and it works really really well! Yes it depends heavily on Tempered Steel but most of the time the Indomitable Archangel helps out until you draw a Tempered Steel card!
Mulligan until you have a TS is the best way though!

The Glint Hawk Idol is very good in this deck. You can't counter the ability and it's not a creature you can't exile or destroy with Journey to Nowhere or Day of Judgment when it's not active.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:46


With all the little guys, why not a sun titan? He could revive them and make a great finisher.
Okai plz check out my red/black speed deck xD

Posted 12 April 2011 at 20:23
