Ive been working on my own jund colored heartless deck, it was incredibly inconsistant so i am not workling on incorperating a pod concept in it as well. on a good game i can have vorinclex turn 3 and double titans turn 4. on a bad game ill have nothing on play till turn 5 or 6 so it still needs quite a bit of work. In my eyes a good heartles deck should be dropping a big threat every turn from 3 on up till the game is over
Yeah I like the mimic vat honestly. And control is one of the reasons I decided to main gideon. his first 2 abilities add in a good amount of control and the last one makes for a nice win condition. As for elspeth, I've used her in a few different decks before and she always comes through for me. Whether I needful chump blockers. Also you can o ring your cards then field wipe leaving your opponent wide open for your heavy hitters.
After reading this I wanted to try the deck so I made it. The only change that I have made so far is -3 sun titan -1 spellskite +2 gideon +2 elspeth. Haven't had the chance to actually play yet but test plays seem very solid