too expensive for not enough effect (in my opinion)
well under those guide lines, Guildpact's first ability makes it more likely to find the cards you need and his second answers (temporarily yes) a card on the field that may be causing you issues. And again, I don't think his ultimate is completely irrelevant. Architect of thought is another good possibility for similar reasons. I think it mostly depends on what your build needs for this type of deck. For me, it seems like Guildpact is a good starting place for a single card that boosts consistency and prolongs the game.
he has pretty good synergy and that is why I am giving him a try. He helps you dig for your wheel effects with his first ability, he prolongs the game with his secong ability, and his third ability is good (not amazing) if you have psychosis crawler of Niv-Mizzet (for shizzet) out or if you need a little breathing room and time to set up before your opponents can take over. He is good for catch up and consistency which are both things that this type of deck needs in my experience. Is he fantastic? no, but even just having him on the board should buy you some life points or a few turns and the longer you can go with this deck the more likely you are to win.
Underworld dreams is mana intensive and so it can be difficult to get out at times, but personally I like it better than spiteful visions. You are the control player most often and so dealing seven to yourself as you deal seven (or so) to your opponent when you have little in the way of board state and they probably have at least a few creatures out is a bad trade. don't expect to get underworld dreams out on turn three, but with all the mana fixing in commander you should be able to get it down turn 4-6 which is about the same for spiteful visions.Also, I am making a few modificaitons to mine. A new card that I think is really worth it for this deck is Jace, Living Guildpact.
Also, Incendiary Command, Memory Jar, and Library of Leng are really really good in this deck (mass removal plus wheel effect, wheel effect at a time that you can have full mana open the next turn to make best use of cards, and an artifact that allows you to keep your best cards in your hand and discard the rest).
Hey. I saw your comment and came to check out your version. I like it. The cards in my list are a deck that I play with and has gone under a few revisions. I've decided that giving your opponents choices to draw or not is just bad. they know your strategy and won't, so forced draw is good. You also want to keep a low-moderate mana curve because you want to be able to use some of the cards in your hand before you discard them. My list is sorcery heavy so things like Kederekt Parasite aren't consistently effective. Single sided draw also doesn't work as well as I would like. If you force your opponent to draw but you don't, you run out of gas a lot sooner and although your opponent is taking damage they just bury you in card advantage and its hard to get back on top. I also like 36-38 land. You draw a lot of cards, but its a mana intensive theme and if you get flooded you just discard the extra lands. Cards like Jin-Gitaxis are really effective, but I play casual and so I think its kinda fun to let them the opportunity to play with their cards for a little bit. Finally, I think its best to choice where your major source of damage is coming from. If you damage by discard, then Megrim should be added, and the various forms of the rack and such. If its draw does damage, then Sire of Insanity should get switched out for something else. You can have a little bit of both, but be primarily one or the other. I have a little bit of discard synergy, but its almost entirely draw.