This deck can do a lot; I'll go over some of the thing you can do with it.
Mimeoplasm Combos:
Gaea's Revenge + Death's Shadow with Wonder in graveyard = 21 Power Flying Haste that can only be targeted with green.
Gaea's Revenge + Lord of Extinction with Wonder in graveyard = Same as above usually, often more damage though.
Craterhoof + Lord of Extinction = Giant Trampler that also pumps your team.
Other notable combos:
Insidious Dreams = It depends on what you have in your graveyard to determine what you will get. If you have 3 cards to discard and they don't have a blocker, this is a common line. Discard the 3 cards to get Frantic Search + Gaea's Revenge + Death's Shadow. Stack it so that you draw the Frantic Search. Cast it, discard the 2 creatures then untap your lands to cast Mimeoplasm with the correct fuel in the graveyard. Sometimes Wonder needs to be worked into the mix if they have blockers, or a Craterhoof / Lord of Extinction kill in the late game.
Worm Harvest + Gaea's Cradle = Tons of creatures and mana; they all have flying as well if Wonder is in graveyard. Mix in Life from the Loam for fuel and you've got a stew going. Also excellent Craterhoof Fodder; this deck can literally do thousands of damage in a turn.
Dread Return = Can sacrifice Bloodghast, Narcomoeba, Fatestitcher, a cheap dredge creature, or some worms from the Harvest. This can return Sidisi for a tutor effect or return Eternal Witness / Greenwarden of Murasa to recur what is often Living Death, but any card that is needed really.
Entomb + Reanimate / Animate Dead / Exhume / Life // Death = Fast big nasty. Usually Jin-Gitaxias to get the dredge party going and wipe out the opponents hand.
Life from the Loam + Strip Mine / Wasteland / Cycle Lands / Cephalid Coliseum = Recurring land destruction or loot effects.
Notion Thief + Windfall / Compulsive Research = You draw the cards they discard the cards.
Cabal Therapy + Gitaxian Probe + Bloodghast / Narcomoeba / dredge creature = Good ole fashion value.
Tutors = Sidisi, Buried Alive, Demonic Tutor, Crop Rotation (Usually for Bazaar or Strip Mine), Entomb, Insidious Dreams, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Mystical Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Survival of the Fittest
Recursion = Eternal Witness, Greenwarden of Murasa
Reanimation = Sheoldred, Dread Return, Exhume, Life // Death, Living Death, Reanimate, Victimize (The deck originally had more but I cut it down to just the cheapest and best ones, after all Mimeoplasm is also a reanimation effect if need be)
Removal = P-Diddy, Damnation, Cyclonic Rift, Beast Within, Living Death, Reclamation Sage, Terastodon, Massacre Wurm, Sheoldred, Tidespout Tyrant
Draw Card / Looting = Jin-Gitaxias, Careful Study, Compulsive Research, Deep Analysis, Windfall, Frantic Research, Thirst for Knowledge, Greater Good
Mill = Hermit Druid fills the graveyard very fast as there are only 3 basics in the deck (I am fully aware that I could put in zero basics and have a BUG color combo, but I wanted this deck to be remotely fun for the other person)
Discard = Putrid Imp. Sometimes it comes up that you want to discard card in your hand to dredge them or to have them come back for Living Death.
Reshuffle = Loaming Shaman. After a big Living Death use him to shuffle certain cards that you want to draw back into your deck and also prevent decking yourself. Sometimes you have to sacrifice Jin-Gitaxias to Viscera Seer to prevent decking as well.
That about sums it up. I hope you enjoyed looking at the list as much as I enjoyed building it and playing it. It's super fun!