The idea of this deck is to play early game threats and to put your opponent on a fast clock so that if they don't run the right removal then you will get free wins. The secondary strategy is that this usually puts them in the position of having certain spells to deal with your threats, buying you enough time to get to 4 land and cast Gifts Ungiven.
Gifts Packages:
1: Iona/Elesh and Unburial Rites.
2: Raven's Crime, Life From the Loam, Engineered Explosives, Academy Ruins
3: Supreme Verdict, Wrath of God, Day of Judgement, Snapcaster Mage
4: Path to Exile, Abrupt Decay, Maelstrom Pulse, Snapcaster Mage
5: Ghost Quarter, Tectonic Edge, Life from the Loam, any other value spell (Raven's Crime, another Gifts, Snapcaster, boardwipe etc)
The sideboard is just packed with meta hosers for different decks and strategies.
Nihil Spellbomb: Living End, Storm, any other graveyard shenanigans..
Pithing Needle: Should be self-explanatory, stops any planeswalker, Oblivion Stone, manlands or any other pesky activated abilities
Torpor Orb: Twin, Pod
Ethersworn Canonist: Living End, Ad Nauseam, Storm, Restore Balance
Aven Mindscensor: Heavy fetch mana base, Tron, Scapeshift, Pod
Kataki, War's Wage: Affinity, Eggs, other artifact heavy builds
Ghostly Prison: Twin, Affinity, Tokens, any other swarm decks
Rule of Law: Living End, Ad Nauseam, Storm, Restore Balance
Stony Silence: Affinity, Pod, Eggs
Eidolon of Rhetoric: Living End, Ad Nauseam, Storm, Restore Balance (Ethersworn, Rule of Law, and Eidolon of Rhetoric are part of a sideboard Gifts package for the same decks.)
Darkblast: Affinity, Infect, certain Jund Matchups and control matchups, also just general weenie decks.
Shadow of Doubt: Anti-search hate for Tron, Scapeshift, Pod, fetch heavy mana bases and other search heavy decks.
Surgical Extraction: Hoses single card win conditions, combos well with Ghost Quarter versus Tron, can snatch up Living Ends or Past In Flames, things of that nature.
Tempest of Light: Bogles, Leylines, Blood Moon etc
Timely Reinforcements - Burn, fast decks, and grindy matchups like Jund.