To start, this deck probably requires a spreadsheet of some sort to go over all of the ways in which it can win. That being said, I'll go over a few of the notably easy combinations of cards to assemble.
1. Hermit Druid - Tap it, there are no basic lands, so you will mill your deck. Narcomoeba enters the battlefield, you can unearth Fatestitcher and Dregscape Zombie as well. Once you have three creatures in play you can flash back Dread Return targeting Angel of Glory's Rise. This will bring back Teferi, Azami, Labman, and a few other creatures. Once these cards are in play you can tap a wizard to draw a card and win the game. Memory's Journey is a backup plan in case the Dread Return is countered, so that you may shuffle certain key pieces back into the deck to reconstruct a win.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Green Sun's Zenith, Eladamri's Call, Imperial Recruiter, Pattern of Rebirth, Tooth and Nail.)
2. Splinter Twin - There are a ton of different Twin-style combos in this deck; I will list them:
A. Splinter Twin + Deceiver Exarch
B. Splinter Twin + Pestermite
C. Splinter Twin + Zealous Conscripts
D. Splinter Twin + Village Bell-Ringer
E. Splinter Twin + Midnight Guard
F. Splinter Twin + Intruder Alarm + Any Creature
G. Kiki-Jiki + Deceiver Exarch
H. Kiki-Jiki + Pestermite
I. Kiki-Jiki + Zealous Conscripts
J. Kiki-Jiki + Village Bell-Ringer
K. Kiki-Jiki + Intruder Alarm + Any Non-Legendary Creature
L. Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond
M. Presence of Gond + Intruder Alarm + Any Creature
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Imperial Recruiter, Pattern of Rebirth, Tooth and Nail, and in some cases, Enlightened Tutor)
3. Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience - Infinite exile style mill.
(Tutors - Enlightened Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault)
4. Boonweaver Giant + Viscera Seer (This can also be done with Viscera Seer + Pattern of Rebirth on a different creature) - There are a bunch of ways to take this line, I'll explain the one that I commonly use:
Boonweaver Giant gets Pattern of Rebirth. Sac to Viscera Seer to find Karmic Guide, returning the Giant. Sac Giant again, this time fetching Reveillark. Sac Guide, sac Reveillark to return the Guide, which will return the Giant. Sac Giant to get Kiki-Jiki. Copy Karmic Guide with Kiki-Jiki to return Reveillark. Sac Kiki-Jiki and Karmic Guide, then sac Reveillark to return both. Now you are able to tutor for any creature from your library and repeat this process so that you may continue searching. From here, you can either get Blood Artist for arbitrary life gain / damage or one of the Twin creatures to combo with Kiki-Jiki. It should be noted that this line is weak to Instant-Speed removal.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Tooth and Nail, and in some cases , Imperial Recruiter or Enlightened Tutor.)
5. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion - Mikaeus gives Triskelion undying so it will always return if it didn't have any +1/+1 counters on it when it dies. Mikaeus also gives +1/+1 to Triskelion, so the first order of business is to shoot your opponent for 1 damage with the first counter, then shoot the other 2 counters at Triskelion itself. It will come back with an extra counter due to undying. From then on out, split the damage 2 at the opponent and 2 at the Triskelion. Also weak to Instant-Speed removal, but if uninterrupted it's a fine win condition.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Tooth and Nail, and in some cases , Imperial Recruiter or Enlightened Tutor.)
6. Tooth and Nail entwined - Finds any of your A+B creature combo kills.
(Tutors - Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault)
7. Omniscience + Enter the Infinite - Draw and play your entire deck. The easiest way to assemble this combo is to use Survival of the Fittest to get Viscera Seer and Academy Rector. Sac the Rector to get Omniscience, however you will need another tutor to find Enter the Infinite unless you naturally draw it.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Imperial Recruiter, Pattern of Rebirth, Tooth and Nail.)
8. Notion Thief + Teferi's Puzzle Box - this combo is not an auto-win like the other ones, but it might as well be. This combination of cards prevents your opponent from drawing any cards and instead you draw their cards. Busted.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Tooth and Nail, Enlightened Tutor.)
9. Elesh Norn + Living Plane - All of their lands are dead and yours are 3/3 creatures.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Tooth and Nail, Enlightened Tutor.)
10. Fast Iona / Elesh Norn - Use Survival of the Fittest to get either creature, then pitch it to get Loyal Retainers. Sac Loyal Retainers to return one of these giant disruptive monsters for only 3 mana. Next you can fetch Sakashima the Imposter to copy one of them for additional backup and protection.
(Tutors - Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, Lim-Dûl's Vault, Eladamri's Call, Pattern of Rebirth, Tooth and Nail.)
Protection and Value Toolbox:
1. Birds of Paradise - Simple Ramp
2. Eternal Witness - Get things back from graveyard
3. Harmonic Sliver - Remove pesky artifacts and enchantments. Combos well with the commander as well
4. Notion Thief - Powerful on it's own for stopping aggressive draw-card strategies
5. Putrid Imp - Discard cards that you actively DO NOT WANT to draw (E.g. Angel of Glory's Rize, Dread Return, Azami, Labman, Fatestitcher, Dregscape, Teferi etc)
6. Spellskite / Sylvan Safekeeper - Protect various combos
7. Reanimate - Reassembles combos if they are broken up
8. Chromatic Lantern - Slight ramp and land fixing
9. Lightning Greaves - Protects some of the creature combos from being interrupted
10. Mana Crypt / Sol Ring / Mox Diamond - Best ramp in the game, period
11. Sensei's Divining Top - Card quality and draw fixing, tons of shuffle effects make it more powerful.
12. Sylvan Library - Optimal draw card and fixing, also combos well with shuffle effects
A few things could be tinkered with here and there to optimize the build. For example, there are no counterspells or sweepers in this deck at all. The idea is to relentlessly bombard your opponent with things that they have to deal with, making you far less of a control deck and more the one that is initiating the opponent to assume the control role. All in all, I think this is a solid list. Feel free to comment if you see ways that the build is not optimized.