Sure thing, I'll be glad to review your versions to provide any advice! I also welcome feedback.
This deck is not very expensive, I'm making this deck to be muti-player friendly, but also fairly competitive in duels with side boarding. If you want to reduce deck cost, you could remove vengevine, and play with slightly cheaper mana bases. I'm also explaining all the key strategies for new players to understand the deck quickly.
Vitorocks03, you're right, my suggestion up the price tag. In which case, just use my mana base suggestion, it's completely off right now.
Pretty solid deck, but I agree with Jayden, shouldn't use Judgement at all, or at least not main. You better off with a 3 beast and 3 O Ring split.
This deck is fine for casual, but if you wish to make it competitive in Standard, it's simply too mid-range. You need to win by speed, or provide a late game that can answer to a Judgement or Black Sun Zenith. My suggestions: 1. Drop the equipments 2. Drop Angelic Overseer. It's not human, doesn't pump tribe with Champion of Parish, and 5CMC is too slow, given you don't have any ramp here. You're better off with Hero of Bladedhold. 3. If you do plan to use Hero of B, you still can benefit from ramp, try 4 Avacyn's Pilgrim, it's human too. 4. Drop Gambit and Rebirth, you should be applying pressure than drawing. 5. Consider 2 Overrun against other aggro decks. Use Gideon, Elspeth, or Gurruk for your anti sweeper late game. 6. Finally, your current 22 lands is completely off. Here's a quick guide on mana base: a: 24 lands is a good start b. f you want to curve out at 4 mana (You shouldn't have more than four 4 CMC cards), you need 23 lands. c: 22 lands or less shouldn't curve out more than 3 mana cards. 4. If you have ramp, you can offset mana base somewhat. So my final suggestion to your mana base is 4 Avacyn's Pilgrims and 24 lands, assuming you curve out at 5.
Great deck!