Problem I have with desecration demon for a beefy blocker is the fact it can be tapped by the opponent. I feel that it makes a blocker with a very easy workaround as opposed to the aforementioned grisel. However I do see the benefit of having your opponent sac creatures, but I feel if desecration demon is the only big blocker, then it won't be that hard to get around for an aggro deck.And i didn't think about the crypt incursion + breaking combo, That will definitely give you some time.
Personally, I'd say nevermore, but more as a sideboard option. Once you know what their win condition card is going to be you can take advantage of that and exile it outright. While sin collector is great and has a similar effect, its more so a one time deal, and if they have a architect of thought out or some other form of card draw, they could easily draw into a card like sphinx's and your sin collector just lost its usefulness.Which brings me to my next thought, Sphinx's I feel will shut this down, so i feel you definitely need a way to deal with that, and to my knowledge Nevermore will be the best card here to do that.
Augur of Bolas would be good here, gives some card advantage., and lets you dig for cards you need. Additionally, I would kind of suggest a creature like griselbrand, again, great card advantage, beefy blocker, great all around in a grixis deck. In terms of cards to drop for those, maybe 1x thought scour, and the izzet charms. Also maybe 1 of nicol bolas, he would be more of a fall back card for a win condition, like griselbrand.But as it stands, I see this deck being very open to aggro, but thats all i could think of, good luck :)
Really like this deck, the attention to keeping a lot of 2 drop creatures is well done. Only issues I see are: Immortal servitude is sorc speed, so it can't be cast on EoT, additionally it is very susceptible to counter spells. Regardless, nice idea, and well thought out.If however you are planning to play this deck, it would be beneficial to try and get some spell protection and some shut down. You have blind obedience which is great for RDW or B/R aggro; but against a control deck, I could see them being able to stall the game long enough for the win (by just countering big win cards like Immortal Servitude) , and there is plenty of control for a beefy lotleth troll, and they are likely prepared for beefy creatures. So possibly a nevermore could be of use in sideboard.Good luck :)
I feel like this is actually incredibly good. It may be worth looking into about adding in the two drop 0/1 simic drake with evolve, may not get very big but it has evasion, and can at least get to a 3/4 or a 4/5 if played right.
Alternatively you could put some black in, and put in golgari charms, those also counter destroy wipes.
Drop inaction injunction for more spheres of safety and more O-RingsDispell is better in place of negate (cheaper, your main concern is a sphinx's rev) Drop one cyclonic rift and one azorius charm for Azor's for an alternate win condition.Alternatively you could change this to a heavy enchantment control with the following: O-ring, Bonds of faith, Pacify, Arrest, and Dsphere for TWENTY spells to stop your oppoenent from doing anything. Then throw in Invisible stalker, Eth armor, and Azors.The Azors are great in the heavy enchantment deck because they cant hit you because they are locked down so hard and with sphere of safety those you miss have a hard time as well, so its a great win condition.
Drop chronic flooding for more land and more invisible stalkers.Also drop whispering madness for stolen identity.stolen identity + invisible stalker with biovisionary would be amazing, so you would literally have 4 sources in which to get them out including the grimoire and cackling counterpart.
The thing with Chronic Flooding is it shuts down an alternate win condition that has been showing up lately. Nephalia Drownyard, A lot of control decks have been running it for when the games start to get too long so they decide to just mill you out. So this stops them from doing that.
Love mill decks, one of my favorite types. So let me suggest a few things.#1: More land. With the mana curve i would suggest around 24-26 with this.#2: If this is a draw mill deck, then you need more howling mines, Additionally Think twice can be a good idea. And if you are willing Font of Mythos from Conflux is also nice#3: you can drop syncopates, you already have more than enough counterspells, i would also say drop the mana leaks and dissipates down a few but thats just me.#4: Jace's Phantasms. Beautiful cards, and amazing blockers as well! 5/5 flyers for 1? amazingCards I would suggest here: Traumatize, Archive Trap, Hedron Crab, Clone/Phyrexian Metamorph and Echo Mage. All AMAZING mill and control cards!Hope this gives you a few ideas :) Thought this would go well with the deck when you play it ;D
I don't see the point of clone or cackling counterpart in this deck. You really only need one stuffy doll, not 16
Yeah made me a bit sad :(But i usually just make decks as they come to me, hopefully someone will like it enough to make it. in which case, best of luck to them :)
Desolate Lighthouse is a often overlooked card when it comes to U/R decks, I suggest dropping in two for additional card draw.
Distress isn't standard anymore sadly :/ Maybe swap it for Appetite for Brains possibly, or add more of other cards.Also i have two very similar decks, you should check them out if you get the chance :)Most similar to this one: Descent into madness to wipe EVERYTHING from their board: and like if you enjoy them :D
Cultivate is nice, but the positive with Farseek and Rangers path is that they say the TYPE of land, not BASIC land, this means that you can actually pull out Overgrown Tomb (its marked as both swamp AND forest).But cultivate is good, but i feel that restricting you to basic lands might not be such a good thing. But maybe swaping farseek for cultivate would be beneficial as it will slim your deck down a little more giving you a better chance to draw what you need :)
Well if you are running just modern, Drop in some Overgrown Tombs, and some Woodland Cemetarys. That will help your mana base a bit.I would actually recommend dropping the elf route all together, It kind of takes away from the overall goal of the deck.And in their place drop in a few cards like Rangers Path, Farseek, and Golgari Charm.I would also suggest dropping the Myr, and actually adding more Predator Oozes, Enchanting it with Lure will be more than enough to just start wiping their board.This deck has real potential, just needs more consistency :D
Since this is Simic, and their dual land will be releasing soon, i would go ahead and add in Breeding Pool anyways.Some changes I would make:Put in some MulchMove Laboratory Maniac to the MainboardTake out the UlvenwaldAdd in Wreath of GeistsJust a few suggestions :) Always like U/G self mill :D
Another question, is this for Modern, Extended, Standard? Id assume Extended, but I want to be certain before I start suggesting things
Main problem i see with this deck is you are trying to cover too many bases. Also you have way to many singles for you to be drawing constantly for your win condition.So firstly I would say you need to find a faster and more efficient way to get to you win.I would say add in some ramp, so you will be able to pull out swamps and forests (Rangers path and farseek are awesome here)I would also swap diabolic tutor for something more worthwhile such as Increasing Ambition or Diabolic Revelation. Additionally you need some sweep protection, most Sweeps are "destroy all creatures" so Golgari Charm would completely counter that.I will probably post more suggestions in a bit but i have to be somewhere. I like the idea though, keep it up! :D
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