Hey man! currently working on mine as well. i love this guy's potential. added quite of bit of randoms from yours. I was originally going for "giant growth" effects with a token subtheme (and had the targeted draw instants). but I like the bigger focus on card draw and mass tokens. thank you. Going to suggest some options to you, but could also use your help on cutting! (link to deck below)- Howl of the Horde - not too big of a deal that it is sorcery speed, however the spell mastery is the huge payoff.- Vandalblast - too powerful to not run- Wheel of Fortune - i know we have great draw potential, but they require our general. this thing is great.- Reverberate & Fork - coping any of our spells are perfect, but having the option to counter counterspells is huge. i also love getting to copy removal spells 2 mana. but these are basically for coping our own most of the time.- Blood Moon / magus of the moon / Ruination - why no hate on lands? meta call?- Rapacious One - big token producer. the trample feels very necessary for the alpha kill with any of the "X" spells.- Marton Stromgald - Finish the game in one swing.- Imperial Recruiter - an abundance of tutorable optionsAnyways, as mentioned, here is the link to mine on TappedOut. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/zada-has-potential/Amazing deck and thanks for the card options i found here!
than instead add 2 nature's lore and 2 sky shroud claim. you'll find those much more powerful i assure you. i do like the card draw on the umbra though. and ok, if you seem to hit mirror matches (aka tribal for you) than yes the door is good. and if you seem to be bombed a lot from control than the umbra and door MUST stay. I just assumed since it was modern you wouldn't be paired off with tribal and midrange control as often since modern is like 98% aggro beatdown and 2% combo, lol.
dharr16 your response makes no sense. all of your creatures ping (12 ping players directly). curiosity helps keep your hand ahead of your opponent's letting you get more creatures and death touch out asap in order to win the game quicker. i pity your ignorance if you find that suggestion way out of context and theme. its a cool deck no doubt (seen many many versions of it and have created a few myself) and the quickest i've witnessed do include blue. what i do like about your deck, however, is the inclusion of master of cruelties. great great addition. fits right in. this is another reason why i feel you should splash in blue. the extra draw is crucial for drawing a m.o.c. earlier on is a great way to seal the game.
snake umbra and harrow seem out of place here. they don't match the them except snake umbra name. a snake inside of a snake? weird. lol. and switch door of d to coat of arms. cheaper and doesn't require additional creature spells to be efficient. it'll buff your pythons the moments it bounces that ass on the dance floor.
you should add blue for [[curiosity]]. you need the card draw. plus this gives you the option for the niv-mizzet for the infinite combo win. theres also a few good creatures that include blue with the ping as well for alternatives. maybe a few are cheaper
you should add two more [[ohran viper]]