
19 Decks, 59 Comments, 8 Reputation

And as far as the cackling goes... he can flash it back.

Posted 24 November 2011 at 00:45 in reply to #216666 on Snappy's got hops


Because mulch is the heart and soul of this deck type. Also, for some reason I have found black to be better suited for this. typhoid rats, tons of removal, and vault skirge are but a few of the perks. Also bonehoard is a must in this deck.

Posted 13 November 2011 at 09:16 in reply to #214153 on turn 1 dream twist um....myself...gasp!! :o


20 creatures? birthing pod? Kessig cagebreakers would totally break them cages. Serious, cagebreakers as a 1 or 2 of in a pod deck is silly good.

Posted 05 November 2011 at 04:52 as a comment on wolf run pod


I would personally scrap green as it does nothing but get you mana in the form of birds and elves and instead go for blue/black with Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. Another fun thing is with black you can use heartless summoning and you myr superion is free at that point. Blue will also grant you draw spells and counters so add in mana leaks and forbidden alchemy/ponder. Also experience dictates that you should have more than just the blightsteel as a win con so have wurmcoil (s) and a mindslaver. Also Liliana of the viel is the best black card right now so think about her, she expensive but worth it.

Posted 27 October 2011 at 21:01 as a comment on Heartless Forgemaster


coughcough invisible stalker coughcough

Posted 30 September 2011 at 16:55 as a comment on Ghost Blade T2


What I would try is adding Vedant embrace, pollenbright wings, a pallid mycoderm and even elspeth (both versions) Sigil captain is another excellent addition as all your 1/1s are now 2/2s. Other than that it seems incredibly fun to play. The only thing I'd consider doing is buying the counterpunch Commander deck and actually using those colors with Ghave as the general since you seem to focus more on saprolings than elves.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 21:59 as a comment on Rhys the Redeemed EDH!


Add in mana leak so you can imprint them with the scepter and counter everything unless they pay 3 more. Also perhaps a frost titan would do well in this deck, I personally like them better than the chacellors since it adds a different way to hold down your opponents. So what I would recommend is you drop the grand abolishers for the sideboard (at least a few of them to make room) and cut down the number of angels to like 4 or 5 tops (you choose which ones, its just annoying sitting on a 7 drop with only 5 mana in the mid game) and add in prolly 2 frost titan and 4 mana leaks. also perhaps a more lockdown style green creature like vorcinclex ( i think thats how you spell it). I see why the elvish pipers are there but if you just cut the number of fatties you can even drop them as they are then useless, making more room for more lockdown style cards.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 06:40 as a comment on You quit bro?


Exarchs should definitely be dropped, the only good one is the blue and only for the combo. Vess could prolly be dropped as well but she is still decent for tutoring and whatnot. honestly though, you NEED Gave Titans. Simply put, Grave Titan is one of the best cards in standard now. Also, why you no play vampire nighthawk?

I would also suggest replacing smallpox and geths verdict with some discard like inquisition/despise, hell even Mind Rot. Anything to get rid of those pesky blue counterspells or fatties that will be dropped on you.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 14:09 as a comment on Mono B standard


I know you're trying to keep it able to stay past september but while Zendikar is still here why not try an explorer's scope. I've found that, like the infiltration lens it gives you what you want in a red deck. It'll give you mana ramp or just a sneak peak at your next turn. it filters out your deck as well.. nothing is less satisfying when playing this deck than drawing a land that you really don't need that much.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 07:02 as a comment on Goblins/Artifact


So you make a deck around beating Caw-Blade when it in fact is a variant form of Caw-Blade? Nicely done kiddo.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 18:46 as a comment on Sun Blade. Tournament Ready.


Nice idea, but Acidic Slime needs to have a place in here. And maybe a few counterspells?

Posted 08 August 2011 at 04:02 as a comment on UG control


I agree, some direction is needed so I believe that is OUR job. It seems as if you're trying to build up a white hoard deck with cards like the zenith and hero of bladehold. so you might try out other "army-in-a-box" cards such as shrine of loyal legions, or the new timely reinforcements. While I'm on that, you should definitely try to get your hands on a few planeswalkers, namely Gideon Jura and Elspeth Tirel. You can bump the other two Gideon cards (avenger and Lawkeeper) up to 3 or 4 and replace the two angels you do have with Baneslayer Angel. Also one card that may interest you is Honor of the Pure. It gives all white creatures +1/+1. And Sun Titan can win a game if you can get him out.

Hope this helps, but more importantly I hope you enjoy this game and don't get too caught up in playing to win.

Posted 05 August 2011 at 06:47 as a comment on Please Help - Newbie builder


Although that seems like a fun idea, it is incredibly impractical and you wil hardly ever get it. Etched Monstrosity is a great golem but you're doing the whole thing wrong if you actually intend on paying his 5 color cost. Simply black black and add vampire hexmages, they're great against planeswalkers also. You can then use other cards like dismember and some removal. but since you're doing golems you NEED white and either green or blue. Pick only one or none at all and stick to black/white. I suggest blue,white,black. that way you can keep Venser. Which by the way you should add in one or two more of. he is a serious win condition.

I like the idea of the spine in here, but not the praetors. and if you're playing blue, try adding draw cards that will help such as tezzeret's gambit. If you choose green there are plenty of good ways to ramp and if it's multi-colored with green, you'll want some birds of paradise.

You can't get too far from your original course however so try to limit yourself to only two colors. What ever two those are make sure one of them is white so that you can hve blade splicer, master splicer and the other if you want.

Posted 03 August 2011 at 07:48 in reply to #187876 on Splicers, Splicers, Splicers


LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! I hadn't though of this before and it seems like a hilarious concept. if you get it out and set it in motion, your opponent will just crumble. Imagine you do 1 point of damage. they mill one card you gain 2 they lose 2, then they mill 2, then they lose 4 and you gain 4 and they mill 4 and it just keeps growing.

I now want to make this ridiculous deck, thank you, Sir, for making my day.

Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:56 as a comment on Crank it Out (Standard)


I'd have never thought about a mono blue golem deck but all in all this is pretty legit. Well done. My only suggestion is to lose the redirect in favor of something like negate. Since you're playing blue, you might as well be playing 7 counterspells.

Once again though very well done and unwinding clock would untap your land as well. Seems like a pretty fun thing you got goin on.

Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:49 as a comment on Golem Control


Actually it seems similar to my idea for W/G.

I've tried birds versus overgrown battlement and find the wall to be better simply in that you can get more mana out of it and it blocks better. for fliers I have skinshifter or any removal. I will say I like baneslayer in this deck, I just haven't found room for it in mine.

You defintely don't need two more wurmcoils in the side. If you need 4-ofs of just one of your win condition its bad. especially for control. If it works, thats cool, I've just never seen it done but once or twice. I prefer naturalize and acidic slime over beast within. Something about giving them a creature or sacraficing one of my permanents for a 3/3 isn't right. Acidic slime is better: YOU get the creature and still destroy something, chances are the threat is an enchantment artifact or land. if its a creature you have fatties and day of judgement.

Something I've been considering is adding hunter's insight. even just a few can speed up this deck very well and it's easily splashed. Turn 4 baneslayer, turn 5 swing and draw 5. suddenly now you have card advantage and creature advantage.

I would highly consider playing either omen machine or grand abolisher in the sideboard for those match-ups against blue-white control. both those cards effectively negate any counters.

Sorry for rambling I'm just excited someone else is trying something similar. Hope this helps.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 18:05 as a comment on G/W Midrange


Another possible win condition is shrine of burning rage and then you can use volt charge as well.

Posted 27 July 2011 at 21:11 as a comment on surge node


Dismember is better for the mainboard than go for the throat especially with the rise of tempered steel decks. You may want some prolifeate in this deck and since it's blue there are plent of options: Tezzeret's Gambit being a must have of at least 3 and steady progress being slighty less good. You can take out corrupted conscience and maybe even the plague stingers in favor of the gambits. Proliferate will speed this deck up so much as now you only will have to be dealing around 7 or 8 damage the rest will be proliferated.

My suggestion is to take out the 2 conscience and 4 plague stingers and add 3 gambits, 2 Jace Beleren, and 1 viral drake and then swap the go for throat for dismembers.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 20:04 as a comment on Unstoppable Infection


Add in Tuktuk the explorer simply to have another thing to sacrafice and a constant 1 damage that they won't want to block. the inferno titan doesn't need to be in there, if you're looking for a large thing to drop in the later portion of the game I suggest Urabrask as he is way better suited to this deck.

I also suggest that you get some MUTHA FUGGIN GOBLIN GUIDES UP IN THIS BEOTCH!!!!

You can take out Chandra, she's not really need other than a distraction for your enemies from the real danger wcich is your goblins. Goblins are the best Red has right now so to make a red deck wins deck, it must be goblins.

Posted 24 July 2011 at 06:40 as a comment on red deck (help) t2


Sea-gate oracle and Frost and Inferno titan I like the hellkite idea but not Elesh Norn. I know you have birds and the pod but double white is still a dumb idea. Plus the titans will win the game for you by themselves. Also, you need a better 4 drop than the exarch. And this deck mains at least two acidic slimes as the 5 drop, then sac the slime to go to the titans. And make a sideboard the includes pyroclasm.

You got the basic idea down but now its time for the fine tuning.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 20:29 as a comment on Splinter Pod


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