First of all , it's kinda slow for a zombie deck ... Visara is useless and really expensive ... Lord of the undead + gempalm polluter combo and Lord of the undead + Korlash is simply amazing , you have to get 4 of each card ... sometimes , I have 10 swamp in play in turn 4-5 , tendrils of corruption becomes amazing in this situation ! And gempalm + lord is a good draw mechanics + loss of life Also Subversion ... I don't know if u play against a lot of person , but Subversion is pretty useless except if u play vs 5 players ... And wasting a turn to play something with 5 costing to get it destroyed the same turn if u play multi-player ... Maybe it's just me ... 4 Cabal coffers is too much in my opinion , if u get 2 of them in the beginning , it's enough to kill u ! Cemetery reaper is good too , in multi-player u can exile some of the creature cards in graveyard that u don't want to see back and give u a zombie that can become big with some of the lords ... and the buff to the zombies .
I don't know how u can kill someone with this deck ... I mean , no cemetery reaper , no death baron , no undead warchief , no lord of the undead + gempalm polluter and/or Korlash combo ... U have to get 3-4 of each to be competitive with other theme deck like vampires , beast , dragons , soldier etc ... Zombies without all the +/+ that gives the cards above are useless ... Just my opinion ...
Seems a bit slow like u said , and i don't know why Dark Rits aren't in your deck instead of your side ... 1 Phyrexian arena isn't enough , but this is my opinion . Also , 2-3 Cabal Coffers can be really helpfull and will add some speed to it . Liliana is indeed awesome ! God i like this card !!! Maybe mutilate or Damnation instead of Decree of pain for more speed . Nice deck tho ! I have mostly of these cards , maybe ill give it a try ! Please comment on my control deck too ;
There's one thing I don't like from this deck ; U don't have any Draw ... Phyrexian arena or Graveborn Muse to keep lands and cabal coffers coming , and with them , keep control ! I'm not convinced with plague win ... It's a good card , but 9 mana to play is a lil'bit high in my opinion ... If u wanna stick with that high casting mass removal , choose Reiver Demon instead , 8 to play , 6/6 flying that destroys non-black non-artifact creature !! And where are the Dark rituals ? And B_Walls ; Damnation kills his own creatures but plague wind don't ! And consume spirit on the long run can do a load of dmg with his Cabal Coffer
You should go with Cover of Darkness instead of Fear , same cost , but fear to all your zombies instead of just one ... Way too much card , u should take out some .
Could be fun in light-multiplayer game , with no removal / wrath of god / damnation etc ... I like the fact that u draw a lot of cards with no costs ... Also , Bird of paradise should be a good add cause u play 2 color and will add some speed to it , and if your opponents don't have any flying , u could use them ! I don't know , but maybe Basilisk Collar instead of Behemoth Sledge could be nice too , i mean , it's 1 to cast , 2 to equip and you have deathtouch-lifelink ... Just an idea like that :P Good luck
Can be a nice deck , but you have to take out some zombies to get 3-4 undead warchief , also 3-4 Death Baron and 3-4 Lord of The Undead ... Death Touch is the key ! You don't have enough power to play against Soldier or Beast deck , that's why u need more +/+ ... For exemple , there's a lot of people out there who play 4 of each ; Lord , Cemetery reaper , death baron and warchief ... Go see my deck :) I Have always 3-4 of them on play , so my Shepherd of Rot ( u have to take these into consideration ) come to play and instead of being a 1/1 , it become a 6/5 ! Also , 4 Lord of the Undead and 4 Gempalm polluter is a nice mini-combo , it makes you draw cards and do a lot of dmg . Good luck for your deck !
I have a question with the Abyssal Persecutor , can your opponent life get in negative ? If yes , easy win ... attack till he is consider '' dead '' , then devour it or them !
Woah nice combo ! Time sieve is amazing in this deck ... and disciple of the vault , wow !
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