Yeah, was thinking i could go for even less lands for more fetches, just dunno which fetches to use XDEdit: Found Howling Mine and Domri Rade, both cheap options for constant card flow, which is what this deck needs to overwhelm opponents.
I think actually creature fetch would be most useful, mainly Fauna Shaman, so you can stack those overgrown battlements would be a better idea : 3
Thanks for your comment. The reason for mutavault depite it messing with the mana base is that it is a 2/2 creature that can avoid getting burnt by pyrohemia due to it being a land that then turns into a creature. Genju unfortunantly would cause me to lose lands consistantly. Despite all this though the mana base is stable, since 14 out of the 20 lands can count toward two colours. I will look into spitemare, i had not thought of that, along with stuffy and Tamanoa could be the makings of another version of this deck...
Thanks, and BoP and card draws make mana an non-issue with this ^Check out the other version here^
After some more thought, reworked the deck slightly and developed another version using a further splash of blue. Please view and comment on the changes and my other attempt and see what you think is better:
Thanks for your comment. Thundersong is here because its a cheap form of powerful control, and as you see power of fire allows it to deal damage as well. While stun sniper is even more powerful, the need to save mana to make it's power useful slows the deck down, and as with all red decks speed is of the essence. Terashi's grasp is here for a similar reason: red destroy cards only destroy artifacts. While artifacts can be a pain as well, enchants can also be used to disrupt the deck (leyline of Sancitiy for example would disable the enitre deck). While i would rather use Orim's Thunder for that 'smash' as you say, there is no destroy target artifact or enchant that also deals damage that is modern legal and/or red/white (atleast, it doing a good job of hiding from me...). Sulfuric vortex is indeed not modern (unfortuantly, as i would probably be building the deck around that instead), honden is interesting, but the legendary tag is problem and would require reworking a large part of the deck to find enough shrines to make it worth it, while pyrohemia will toast my own potential burn unless i also rework around it (with stuff like mark of asylum) and generally would make the deck less stable. What you say about arcane teaching's however is true and i will be swapping that in, thanks.
Update: A little bird told me those old artifact lands are banned in modern... A little reworking to the mana base and we are back on track ( <3 Darksteel Citadel <3)
Again i forgot about stoic rebuttal... Jace however is here to stay, tezzeret is good in a certain kind of artifact deck, but this one relys on speed: getting so many creatures on the field, making them huge and disrupting your opponent while doing so. Jace provides constant card drawing power for a low cost, which is exactly what this deck needs. Your right about stoic rebuttal though, replacing rebuff now~
I had totally forgotten about dispatch (And control in general...) and I didnt know thoughtcast, thats awesome Thanks I have a working version of this this kind of deck. Take ideas from it as you like~
not sure what format this is supposed to be, but you should consider Concentrate to draw more for your mana. Other than that, love the idea
One enchant destroy and your fucked, but that is brutal, potentially hundreds of zombies
Interesting idea. Consider using Urza's Mine/Tower/Power Plant to speed up your colourless mana (along with Expedition Map to fetch them). Ajani Goldmane (the planeswalker) would also fit with steel overseer's theme, and Contagion Engine would provide a way to rid them of their creatures while making your's massive. Other nice white goodies you should consider are: Path to Exile, Oblivion Ring (for their creatures) and Emerge Unscathed (for yours) for more control True Conviction for truely unstoppable Creatures Avacyn, Angel of Hope for truely unkillable creatures Windbrisk Heights for a chance to get your big cards out faster Hope this helps~
Door of Destinies* sorry
I understand this is casual, but i really liked the idea so i wanted to suggest some things that might improve it: Cradle of vitality could provide another way to win, while Windbrisk Heights can help get things out faster. A Contagion Engine provides a safe way to sweep the board while also synergising with Ajani and Cradle. You should also consider big instant heals like Rest for the Weary, as they would synergise with Cradle and help with your earlygame. Or if you want to get Tribal you could use Adaptive Automaton and Door of Destiny to make all your Kitsune bigger. Just some thoughts, since a Kitsune deck seems like it could be great fun to play ^^
Not sure what format your aiming for, but dark ritual is legacy only. That said, should consider Black Cat as an early game defender (no one wants to discard at random ^^) or some removal (doomblade/Go for the throat etc), just in case they get something out. Apart from those two things, Very nice. Discard decks are always a bitch.
Why does it matter? Its a deck review site for a reason: if you think they are bad, give the creators some advice. Otherwise, complaining is pointless.
Also, removed lands and solemn to reach 60 cards. 22 should guarentee steady land pulls, and solemn needs a different kind of deck to be effective.
I understand you own this deck IRL, and realise you might not want to buy individual cards, but im gonna list off things i think will improve the deck if you replaced them with what you have: To add To remove Fogbank OR Gideon's Lawkeeper x4 <> Tumble Magnet x4 Diabolic tutor x2 <> Rune-scarred Demon x2 Merfolk Looter OR Jace Beleren <> Ponder x4 (Banned: Legacy Only) Go for the Throat x2 <> Increasing Ambition x2 And to finish off: Remove x2 Islands Remove x2 Swamps Remove x1 Solemn Simulacrum Reasons: Tumble magnet is a sub-par card compared to fog-bank and gideons for control. Diabolic tutor is core to this deck's theme and less expensive than demon. Ponder, unfortunatly, is banned. If you care about this at all, looter and jace are both cheap drawers that can replace it. While Increasing Ambition is a great card, it requires too much mana to effective in a deck without fast-mana. Go for the throat adds to the control you need to surive until you get your combo. Hope this was useful.
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