Bump a bump!
since your running b/w you should find a spot for unburial rites so you can get back some of your big beaters. Also I would drop the giest monks and gather the townsfolks' for some tragic slips and some other trick to off set whatever your opponent is doing, since hexproof creatures would probably be a pain later on like dungrove elder and geist of saint trafts'. All and all though not a bad start
All suggestions and comments welcomed :D They're are some pretty sick deck manipulation combos in here.
The problem I ran into with running the big eldrazi in my mono green EDH is that they always get taken by someone else. When your staring down an ulamog that you cranked out either turn 4 or 5, your in big trouble since I can't think of many ways for green to get rid of him.....other than that enchantment that turns it into a treefolk wall. Anyway, hope that helps ya somehow. Just put my omnath edh up, check it out, you might find cards that you haven't thought of yet or combos un-thought of. OH YEA, also consider running a constant mist, it's fog for 2 but a buyback of 3 so it's really cool http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=177628