
59 Decks, 52 Comments, 5 Reputation

there are tons and tons of great zombie cards
-army of the damned
-grave crawler
-Geralfs Messenger
-grave titan
i would say -1 lord of undead, + 1 Death baron, -1 shepard of rot, -1 withered wretch + 2 grave crawlers

Posted 26 April 2012 at 21:42 as a comment on World War Z


I could see the Leylines, and i could see putting in Pandemoniums over Electropotence. I dont see why you want to take out the Myrs, and replace them with lands..its the same effects but you lose defence. Also keeping confusion in the ranks allows you to trade out your Norins or Myrs for opponents bigger creatures. I know the dual lands are better choices i was just being lazy, i generally love sack lands because they also thin your deck for what you need

Posted 26 April 2012 at 15:31 in reply to #250122 on whats going on????


yeah i thought about throwing in some Eldrazis, in the end there are just so many awesome cards you could throw into a deck like this.

Posted 24 April 2012 at 23:00 as a comment on Re-animator commander


There are alot of very good cards you can make a standard mill out off. Undead Alchemist is a great card to combo off of, but i would recommend not using it if its all you have for zombies in here.
i made a Zombie Mill deck, its not standard but could easily be changed


If you insist on keeping the Alchemist, then you should consider putting in some Geralf's Mindcrusher

In general i think you should add and remove,

-2 jace +2 Trepanation Blade
-1 dissipate, -1 curse of the bloody tome. +2 Mindcrank

Posted 19 April 2012 at 20:37 as a comment on Standard Mill?


i agree with the batterskulls and + 2 Mystics. I dont own them however. I thought about the outfitter when i made the deck and decided against it without something to bounce it for optimal use. i dont understand why you think Norn or Titans is a instant lose? remember there is 4 Oblivion rings for things like that .

Isochron scepter is always a good idea, and it might go into the side board, but i dont want to sack other cards to it.

Posted 10 April 2012 at 16:56 as a comment on Equipped for war


@ Vatarants- i would do x4 Stoneforge mystics but i made this deck with what i own and i only own 2.
I like the idea of batterskulls, what would you replace with them?

Posted 09 April 2012 at 19:40 as a comment on Equipped for war


most of this equipment is cheap to play, plus a little ramp from the Myrs and the untap from Feast and Famine.

Posted 09 April 2012 at 16:58 as a comment on Equipped for war


i like it, but why not go white instead of green. You can throw in Glorious Anthem to get the same affect as Gaea's, and switch out Predator Ooze with Accorder paladin. It will drop the mana even more and let you swing for a little bit extra because of battle cry.

Posted 07 March 2012 at 21:54 as a comment on SUPERSPEED2


i have been debating on putting in mind crushers, i just dont want to ramp up the mana curve. i know the rooftop strom is not necessary but it adds to the zombieness

Posted 07 March 2012 at 17:13 as a comment on Zombie Mill


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