Very well built
Only going off the cards you have?
The only creature you have to put Duel Casting on is Echo Mage, and he can already copy an instant or sorc spell. Now you also have to consider this deck does a great job of copying instant or sorc spells but you don't have any worth copying.. so if you are playing vs a burn deck you will dominate if not you will do very poorly.
Wow I really like this deck
He really is bad, he may not stay but I do know Lich wasn't going to make it in.. so bad.
Halo hunter.. you stay away from my angel deck! Also looks on the pricey side.
I like the deck, shadow is always a pain to deal with but you are very subject to removal , I suggest adding a few cards to bring your creatures back from the graveyard.
Its a good deck, seen it do some nice stuff when playing but I would trim out the Abrupt Decay, Nettlevine, and the two giant scorps (the Sluice scorps are better anyhow with the ability to give counts to another creature after death.
I like the deck, but looking at it on here I have to ask what the point of the green mana is.. other then naturlize
I decided to add in into the maw of hell.. nice burn card and lowered the deck down to 60. Thanks for the tips.
The deck looks good, much better than when the last time I played vs you. I would subtract one Druid Deliverance to at least put one of those over runs into your deck. You also need to add some eldrazi into your sideboard for when you get out Spawnsire.
I would toss in some goblin grenades, if you need the space take out the tar fire for it.