I'm wondering if you should take out spheres of the sun since you have no cards that proliferate like clasp or grim affliction, for 2 more pristine talisman. And -2 dismember, -1 geth + 3 inquisition of kozilek for some early control.
Wow, havn't considered Venser yet. Seems REALLY good for this deck right now. Thanks for the info ! I might consider getting him just to improve the deck :)
I'm considering of adding steel sabotage or glint hawk to bounce back tumble magnet/ myr battlesphere. Tumble magnet for obvious reasons and Battlesphere to add more myrs to the battlefield, allowing me to deal direct dmg with it's ability.
I'm wondering if i should put dispense justice and master's call inside =/.
21-24 of 24 items