Hey people! This is hopefully going to catch on; the Avacyn Tribal Challenge! My challenge to you is to make a tribal deck with nothing but the Avacyn block, in honor of the new release; Shadow of Avacyn! You may use any set of the Innistrad block and any 2 core sets, but that's IT. It MUST be tribal, and I challenge ALL of you to do it!My core sets will include m11 and m13, and I am making tribal Devils!May you draw well, and check out my own website!http://www.mtgpotatollama.wordpress.com
thanks! I didn't even think of that before. I appreciate the insight!
thanks for the response! I will look into aggressiveness and your deck!
This is one of my new series! Basically, at home, I take random stacks of my collection, shuffle them together into 2 large stacks, flip a coin and choose one stack, then pick a random card, face-down, shuffle, pick a card, shuffle, until I have 5 cards. Then, I have to make a deck list INCLUDING THOSE 5 CARDS. No outside colors or anything like that.These are for fun, and not meant to be serious, edit-worthy decks. Just showing you guys some random coolness! Do feel free to leave editing comments, however, if you wish. Enjoy!
True. I will look for an alternative. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
Thanks! I will look into these cards. :) Check out my other decks!
I would really appreciate feedback! Commanders are always changing, so if you know of things that I don't, then please, inform me! :)
Thank you for the info, and I'm glad you like it! :) please check out my other decks and, unless you modify it for modern or the like, your Endless One and Hangarback Walker are safe from ratchet bomb! :)
thanks for the reply! The land issue was noted. :)
Thanks for your input. I just put up this deck because I just built it. I will definitely try to get those cards, and something I should have mentioned is that this deck is a PROTOTYPE, nothing more, nothing less. I do appreciate your input, again, and I will do my damnedest to get those cards, as they would make excellent additions.
I have a mono-red goblin deck for a tight budget. You could look at that, if you want to. Here's the link:http://www.mtgvault.com/dragontamer4lif/decks/mtg-goblins-pauper-edition/
Hey, everyone who sees this! Check out this Tolarian Community College video! Pauper format is amazing!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7qQXP-Qk9E
This deck is awesome! Especially if you go to TCG player and get lucky. I mean, a deck for $3? SERIOUSLY? And it's also half-way DECENT? That is a MASSIVE accomplishment!
Thanks for the tips! I have minimum budget, but my decks are made from merely my knowledge of cards. I attempted to make it standard, but really, what dragon deck is it without Niv-Mizzet? As for the other tips, I will attempt to put those in. You should check out my other decks. :D
Sorry it took me so long to get back to your comment. School, home, etc. Anyways, I did think of those cards. I did not include some of them because of my mindset for this deck. The lands are a good idea. Went a little willy-nilly with the creatures and enchantments.
Wow! Thanks for your comment. You should check out some of my other decks. Purphoros knows I'd need some help with them :) I will also put those changes in. Just an idea I got out of the blue. Thanks!
You are thinking of festering goblin.
PLEASE tell me how I could make this better (and PLEASE DO NOT say, "Make it something besides tribal goblins"). I am looking for good tips! Also, tell me about any other kind of Goblin tribal deck that's good! :D
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