this deck does Sorin some serious justice
i wonder if i can combine Izzet with Grixis in a similar fashion...
dude. revelation AND tutor? evil
why isn't Dragon Master Outcast in here? wouldn't he help with deck speed without compromising the overall strategy?
again with Intruder Alarm. i need this in my life
so, with freed and intruder alarm, there's just about Literally NO way to not infinite.... dude this is evil..
doo dat SUUPAMAYN!
Ponder. huh, that's cute. i haven't seen that one...IT MUST GO IN MY DIVINATION DECK
dude, i should use Soul's Fire in a dragon deck!
dude know how to Simic. that's for sure
dude, i'm new. and i'm SO glad my bro told me to check your decks. this is INSPIRED... specially compared to the crap Wizards is pumping out nowadays
21-31 of 31 items