youll want greater auramancy... just to make it that much more annoying.
lightning serpent!
some blue and white creatures that tap creatures would be good, like puppetteer and a few other one or two mana white spells. might think about some counters for a controll deck
diabolic revelation instead of diabolic tutor. also a dragon roost would be cool. reiver demon is a risk considering 3 colors vampiric dragon should be in here
I would take out llanowar elves and arbor elves, however it you are set on keeping them arbor elves and either wild growth or overgrowth work extremely well together. Instead of those however I would suggest throwing in 4 iron myrs and blaze, why not with a infinite mana combo? also some cards to fetch the larger creatures, just to make sure that they make it out. Also more than 20 lands for a 62 card deck based on getting large creatures out.
Mana ramp to get stuffy out faster. Spirit loop seems pointless seeing as stuffy is the only creature you have that can deal damage and it cant enchant opponents creatures. come on bro read the cards.
Expedition map can help get out the urzas lands, or your choice of any of the nonbasic lands.
i would suggest subbing out 2 plains for 2 swamps, fits mana ratio better and makes tainted field work more often. more copies of vampire nighthawk if possible. i would suggest using multicolored and white spells in the deck and fewer white creatures so you can really focus on the vampire aspect and keep the mana ratio pretty even.
with myr galvanizer, you might as well try to grab the infinite mana combo that comes with it, then no worries with minimal amount of land.
more relentlesss rats. also throw in dark ritual, that can never hurt a mono black deck. try to bank on relentless rats and thrummingstone, also put at least 2 swarmyards off the sideboad into the deck
what do u mean by instant speed? still trying to keep it creatureless
increasing vengence... howd i not think of that over reverberate... and ill have to run a few tests with koth, thanks man
essence warden or soul warden might work well here, also icy manipulator either to slow opponent or untap rys and others, make more tokens
econimizeit by taking out darksteel forge... that alone is worth almost half the deck. after that if u scrape together cards u should be able to buy it for roughly 15-25$. look into titan forge as a replacement, solid way of pumping out a few 9/9s over the course of the game.heres an idea, because you have the myr galvanizer infinite mana combo in your deck throw in a hint of red, replace copper myr for the red one and maybe a few mountains and have a fireball or lava burst waiting. if you were to do this i would say put in 4 myr galvanizer and a few more of the mana myrs
One think that i would definitely do is keep the 4x of the exquisite and sanguine blood, that combo is your best bet, especially if your up against a lifegain deck. at the very least have the other 2 copies of each on a sideboard. also think about murder vs go for the throat or geths verdict or grasp of darkness. i prefer grasp of darkness and geths verdict just because they can take out indestructible and shroud/hexproof. I dont think you had tainted aether in the deck last time i checked, that was a killer card for a deck like this
I really like the concept of a creaturless deck, now im gonna have to try one. THis decks seems like it wouldnt work all that often though, i would put in more destroy creature spells or spells to steal creatures, like enslave just in case.
why put in tor giant and hill giant? why put in either of them? theres a minatuar for 4 that is a 3/3 with haste. i would also suggest putting in 2 more lands, i always try to put at least 23 lands into every deck of mine that needs a lot of mana to work, like this one
Ok from what you said in other comments im going to assume u didnt have room for the card flicker.. but just in case you didnt flicker would work very well here, maybe at least on a sideboard?
because of pyromancers ascension i would say cut down a few creatures and thrown in more solid red burn spells flame slash is good. also put in 4 copies of each spell to make sure u can get Pyro ascension as fast as possible when u do get it out. 2 more dual casting, more reverberate. I love cards like browbeat, theres a few more like it that might help, braeking point is one. more vexing devil, and also good creature, especially to fling, spark elemental, lightning serpent, and ball lightning.
Wow. replace brimstone valley with a flame slash. and replace disintegreat with searing flesh or laza axe. less land it is a burn deck i really like this deck
41-60 of 71 items