Its reanimator no eldrazi deck could keep up with this griselbrand or gisela turn 4
well tibalt, has the random discard so its not to amazing considering you might screw your self unless everything is flashback or able to get out fast
awsome deck
you fucking troll you have overr 30 commoents on this over the last 6 hours and you just keep commenting i hate how all you fags spam commentts just to get to top deck, and yeah like this thing got up on top page in 10 hours ...... stoopid fucking trolls get a life (enel39)
cabal coffers!!!!
undead warcheif
how would you endlessly cast the ability of isochron scepter? it cost 2 mana also you would only make 1 a turn because your kiki-jiki does not untap so its got a load of flaws idk what you were thinking
just get out a bunch of tokens and sacrifice the 1's that dont make it to my opponent and then sacrfice the 1's that did for an easy kill , increasing devotion and falkenrath torturor are nice together sice i declare blockers and sac them so he gets bigger and i dont waste my tokens on chump blocking that lets me get a giant vampire to fly over and bash your skull in
and the sword cost alot ill probly do 2 body and mind
im getting 4 mirran crusaders,, dont care for hero of blade hold and increasin devotion with a champion of the parish makes him somthing they need to kill also if i have 1 honor of the pure i just got 5 2/2 humans for 5 mana . it didnt seem like a viable card until i got hit by a day of judgment and next turn pulled out 5 3/3 humans and had 1 3/3 spirit . the strata scyth is for a flying token after i swing out with all my humans i finish with a giant flying token.. also when i buy the crusaeders, ill move inquisitor,s flailand , so a double strike 2/2 with any hotp( honor of the pure) it will deal damage twice for twice the damage and with a avacyn's color it has vigilance and swings as a 3/2 then if blocked deals 6 and if it lives crusader deals another 6 . so titans become usless. unless enchanted or combo'd with a boost ability
Hunters insight has no reason to be in this deck there is no combat damage so it doesn't. Allow you to draw
Fracturing. Gust destroys you
I just love how white and blue they kill you and sure why not basically made. This. Deck. Popular
Possibly add 1 beacon Of unrest
Mulch is missing
I love the way this deck looks its well built and I like the way your using the mana even thou the creatures require multiple mans of the same color. Its easy for the deck to get them out even without the needed mana.
oh yea i like it / it has something for alot of decks i would think a powerup card would be neededsomthing to make a 1/1 into a 11/11 i cant remember the enchantment its eldrazi
knight of the white orchard knight of the holy nimbus daybreak coronet bonds of faith revoke existance
when did i gain 2 life??? i use 2 on T2 then im at 18 then drop off 16 to pump it for +8/+0 then give it infect so i would be at 2 not 4!!
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