i took a look at your other deck too I like it alot! I'm a sucker for the mono decks and I'm glad white weenie is able to make an appearance! just out of curiosity how have both of these decks done in standard?
if you could make room for mirran cursader you could always throw angelic destiny on him then you have a beast! lol
I agree with freshswimmerboy and I would main deck a couple doom blades and go for the throats you have a lot of 3 mana cards and might be hard to play frightful delusions. also army of the damned is sooo expensive. have you thought about main decking the grave titan over it? and why not run 4 darkslick shores and even drowned catacombs?
I have been looking to build a mono red deck for fun in the new standard and you have given me some great ideas! seems like a fun competitive deck thank you sir!
I would mix up the go for the throats with a couple of doom blades with the new standard...a lot of artifacts
just a thought...why not put in stoic rebuttal over mana leak?