thanks alot. i very much appreciate it ^-^
>Liked. Very nice. HELP with mine?
very nice! HELP me with mine??
very nice. check out my red/blue
maybe some safe passages? a couple rebukes maybe?
replace doom blade with murder. doom blade should be sideboard. alot of people use black check and rate my deck.
Agreed 3 planeswalker more discards.
and maybe drop the snapcaster mages. it only makes a spell flashback, and add goblin electromancer. goblin electromancer+guttersnipe+talrand= fucking insane amounts of damage.
i think its good but you dont have any finishers as mentioned before. check mine. i have talrands because by late game ill have a few nice flying creatures to finish the game if i have to. you really should drop the weirds and add talrands it helps much much more than the weird BY FAR heres my deck
thanks for all the help. much appreciated.
oh shit, i didnt mean to have 11 of each, meant 10 x.x sorry
no thats fine and thanks. what cards should i put in instead of the searing spears and dispels and clones?
very nice check mine out everyone please it would really help me please.
Its good but i dont like paying life for fire covenent. check my deck out and rate please.
very nice. check mine out please!! and rate please
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