Thank you :-)
I swapped out the relics for some axes and have taken out the ingots and a little mana for some sign in blood and darksteel juggernaut. Thank you for your input. :-)
I changed the relics for axes and took a bit of mana out for some other things. Thank you for your input :-)
Done =D Thank you for the helpful advice.
Can you explain to me why Drain Life is a better card? I looked at both of them and can't see any benefit there but maybe i am missing something (I do that a lot lol). Thanks for commenting.
Almost all aggro vamp decks use Bloodghast so i wanted to be a little different and also they are quite expensive cards. Thanks for the comment though :-)
Yeah i kinda have a soft spot for the bigger cards =D I took out the Blood Tribute and a Nocturnus for another 2 Dark Ritual. Just shy of 50% of the deck is now a 1 or 2 drop. I am thinking the Dark Rituals and the Revenants should be enough to speed up the rest of the deck. I am just starting MTG again after a very, very long hiatus so thank you for your input. I will have a look at your deck and give any input if i can think of any.
Any Critique would be welcome =D