
2 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

True, I'll pullem for bonehoards and see what happens when I play test it. Thanks for the advice.

Posted 11 June 2011 at 19:29 in reply to #170814 on Green Black Sacrifice Destro


upon taking a closer look I am going to switch over to those and see how it runs. Thanks for the advice :)

Posted 11 June 2011 at 16:14 in reply to #170189 on Shrine ftw =D


I suppose so, I am just not sure what I would drop for them. It is already a semi low (by my standards) mana deck, as I prefer about 26 in 60 for any decks that aren't based on 3 or less drops. Any thoughts on what to replace?

Posted 11 June 2011 at 06:38 in reply to #170524 on Green Black Sacrifice Destro


I'd be wary of globals or enchantment removal. If you have 0 (or less) life and Phyrexian Unlife gets wiped out you are still gone even with Melira being safe. Something like All is Dust for example. Obviously not everyone is going to have a spare global lying around but perhaps keep it in mind.

Posted 10 June 2011 at 04:55 as a comment on I am Immortal


I will have to consider it for sure, the sacrificed creatures would mostly be brought back abusing ITB's ability, but the rises are in there mostly for ITB and any big nasties dropped off with destruction. Liliana - discard ITB - rise ITB for 5 instead of paying 12. This also makes ITB black which prevents doomblades from firing, but that is more of a biproduct.

Posted 10 June 2011 at 00:17 in reply to #170204 on Green Black Sacrifice Destro


Good thought, I had gutshot in to help pump up the shrines but draw power might not be a bad thing at all.

Posted 10 June 2011 at 00:14 in reply to #170189 on Shrine ftw =D
