pretty nice. i run a similar deck, except i run black just for the deathspore thallids. fallen ideal is another black card that runs well in fungus. but this is good.
sorry, didn't want to spend unnecessary money on the other wheels.
it's more for the kudzu.
too many artifacts, makes my head hurt. cool though.
yuck, planeswalkers. drop them and max out the vampires!
shield of the oversoul is one of the reasons shadowmoor is the most broken set ever.
essence wardens are kind of pointless. you have the sprouting hydras, but this isn't a token deck. i'd put rancor in or something else to give the the phytohydras trample.
starring Takeno Cruise...
wow, i was expecting everyone to hate this deck. thanks for the feedback guys. i'm considering dropping the manamorphoses for something else.